Re: [hatari-devel] IDE LBA-48 not working

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Hi again,

good news: I stumbled upon the LBA issue because a user reported a problem
with HDDRIVER and his SATA hardware, which I could not reproduce even though
I tried it with several big drives.
I have now identified what was wrong, and after fixing it, LBA with Hatari
also appears to work. Nevertheless, IMHO it would still be good to port any
pending bugfixes in Qemu to Hatari. In my special case, I could not be sure
whether Hatari would qualify as a platform I could use for testing. Testing
LBA with a platform that has open LBA issues could be a waste of time ;-).

Best regards


> Hi Eero,
> > Hatari code has e.g. couple of FIXMEs about "HOB" bit handling, which 
> > may be related to LBA-48 mode handling(?).
> Yes, I noticed these, and they might indeed be related. 
> > Looking at Qemu commit history, that was fixed in Qemu only in 2020:
> >
> > 
> > And there's a fix to LBA-28 / LBA-48 detection in 2021: 
> >
> > 
> > Thomas?
> Maybe these fixes can be merged. I can then test the result.
> Best regards
> Uwe

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