Re: [hatari-devel] SCC options

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Le 05/01/2024 à 22:10, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

RS232 & MIDI have only input & output file options.

Why SCC A & B port have additional short-hand option for giving same file for both input & output?

I'm asking because that's a bit inconsistent, and Thomas has earlier recommended avoiding extra options (because Hatari has already so many of them).


short answer : I don't know :)

At first there was only the scc-b-out option, scc-b and scc-b-in were present but commented. So I un-commented them and added similar options for scc-a, but I don't know where those namings come from at first, feel free to change them if no one remember :)


     - Eero

PS. I changed the SCC option defines in option.c a bit, to make them slightly more readable:

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