Re: [hatari-devel] "Hatari.exe"

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Andreas Grabher schrieb:

Just out of interest: Is there some kind of abstraction layer between
real binary names and those the end user sees? I really don‘t see
lowercase names here (Word, Excel, Chrome, Edge, Paint, etc).

What do you mean by what "the end user sees"? The shortcuts on the
desktop or in the start menu? Those are separate files that merely
reference the actual binary and can be named whatever you want. Yes,
start menu or desktop shortcuts generally start with a capital letter,
and they don't necessarily match the binary (.exe) name anyway. E.g.,
(at least on German Windows) the shortcut for notepad.exe is called
"Editor". And the shortcut for msedge.exe is called "Microsoft Edge".

But your patch changed the .exe *file* name, which -- as I've pointed
out multiple times -- is generally not capitalized.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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