Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format

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Thanks Brad.

I grabbed the PR31 for the NEO file dump and added bNEOScreenSnapShot = TRUE to the [Screen] section of the config file.

However, still getting .PNG files when using the Screenshot button.  Any tips to get the NEO dump?


On 1/3/24 02:56, Brad Smith wrote:
I took a look at implementing an option to dump the stored FrameBuffer data as a NEO file instead of the usual BMP or PNG format. It does work for the 3 ST modes. I don't know if any applications support medium or high resolution NEO, but I think the generated file is a valid _expression_ of the format, at least. It's a fairly small change:

Alternatively, for the question of getting the palette indices in order, the other PR I mentioned earlier does extract the palette in the correct order as part of the indexed PNG:

On Tue, Jan 2, 2024 at 6:45 PM J.Young <jyoung8299@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Color order does matter for my use case.  The launcher allows viewing
screenshots and most have black borders in-game but when using something
like this for the screenshots:

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