Re: [hatari-devel] Feature idea/question: primitive memory manager

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Le 01/01/2024 à 15:42, Miro Kropáček a écrit :
On Mon, 1 Jan 2024 at 15:32, Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Programs also access memory outside of the above list, like pointers
    in the cookie jar, the buffer returned by the Iorec XBIOS function,
    etc. ... so maybe it's possible to implement such a feature, but
    it's certainly a lot of work to get that really right.

Good point. However that's exactly the thing -- we don't have to get it really right. It could be just a warning in the console. So if I, as a developer, see that 0x000005a0 is being accessed "illegally", I can safely ignore that warning and continue my work.

This is meant to be purely a developer's tool, nothing for regular users (it would be disabled by default).

hi and happy new year to all !

also consider that when using 68030 + MMU, the TOS mmu tables are located in the ram below 0x10000, so you will get tons of such warnings.

I think that to make such an option viable you would need to combine it with only certains PC values (for example don't report anything when PC is somewhere in TOS ROM)


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