Re: [hatari-devel] Feature idea/question: primitive memory manager

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On 1.1.2024 18.06, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 01/01/2024 à 15:42, Miro Kropáček a écrit :
On Mon, 1 Jan 2024 at 15:32, Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Programs also access memory outside of the above list, like pointers
    in the cookie jar, the buffer returned by the Iorec XBIOS function,
    etc. ... so maybe it's possible to implement such a feature, but
    it's certainly a lot of work to get that really right.

Good point. However that's exactly the thing -- we don't have to get it really right. It could be just a warning in the console. So if I, as a developer, see that 0x000005a0 is being accessed "illegally", I can safely ignore that warning and continue my work.

This is meant to be purely a developer's tool, nothing for regular users (it would be disabled by default).

also consider that when using 68030 + MMU, the TOS mmu tables are located in the ram below 0x10000, so you will get tons of such warnings.

I think that to make such an option viable you would need to combine it with only certains PC values (for example don't report anything when PC is somewhere in TOS ROM)

That can be worked around by the enable option taking e.g. a name of a file listing address ranges that this check should be ignored (in addition to program's own memory and IO regs).

In minimal Hatari test environment addresses of such things should be fairly stable, so developer can fill that file incrementally.

I'm more concerned about the general usefulness of such feature for tracking memory access issues though.

I think most invalid memory access issues happen within memory that program *has* allocated from TOS, and which e.g. libc malloc etc. is providing the app in smaller pieces, and application corrupting those internal data structures with some off-by-one write. I.e. something that this feature would not detect. [1]

Also, if _one runs program in just-enough amount of RAM required for program to function_, program trying to write outside the memory areas it has requested from TOS, in most cases already causes an exception immediately:
- Using offset to a NULL pointer i.e. low address
- Pointer going outside of RAM

I think the other relevant memory areas (not belonging to the program) are mostly just TOS internal allocations at lower addresses, and screen buffer in ST-RAM. As one should see invalid writes to screen, main issue this feature would catch, could be "just" writing over some of the TOS allocations at lower memory addresses.

(On Hatari side, catching these would require possibility to set memory write breakpoints which Nicolas has been "promising" now and then.)

[1] to catch those, besides tracking memory writes, one needs something tracking all libraries alloc & free functions, like Linux tools do.

Because Atari uses static linking, tracking them would require application to be built with symbols, in addition the tracking functionality needing to know what value(s) to track from each alloc function, and how to match them to correct free function.

It would also have same problems as what Miro's original suggestion has, of Atari programs doing also a lot of other memory accesses...

If that program runs also on Linux, I would do such debugging there, with Valgrind, DUMA and ASAN:

Btw. ASAN overhead is nowadays surprisingly small. IMHO best native option would be to get "-fsanitize=address" working with latest m68k GCC. It might even be possible to speed it up with NativeFeatures.

	- Eero

PS. I wonder would it be possible for EmuTOS to use MMU to protect its own and program's allocations? Protecting latter would mean adding guard pages around all allocations that would trigger exception both on write & read, like DUMA does.

It could be separate (much slower) build of EmuTOS...

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