Re: [hatari-devel] from cirrus-ci (was: Re: One scanline short in ST fullscreen)

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Am Sun, 17 Dec 2023 11:24:06 -0700
schrieb Bob Carpenter <bobc@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Thomas,
> As a former Linux user and current macOS terminal user, I completely agree with you. On Linux, the executable should be lowercase. I do not remember if Hatari is capitalized on Windows or not. I do not use Hatari on Windows enough to remember.
> Furthermore, on macOS, the executable inside the bundle (appears as a directory when viewing it on non-macOS systems) should be lowercase. If you run a command from Terminal, we should be able to keep the hatari executable in lowercase and only have with a capital letter. 

I think the average macOS simply does not care (or even does not know)
what's inside of an app bundle as long as it works. But yes, for people who
like to compile Hatari for the console, it should be lowercase.

I tried to add this logic to the CMakeLists file now, see:

i.e. it's only using "Hatari" for the bundles (or Win32).

Let's see how it goes...


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