Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAUE CPU -> show EA

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Le 22/11/2023 à 20:17, J.Young a écrit :
On 11/22/23 13:51, Toni Wilen wrote:
> Toni, is there any reason jsr/jmp are not showing EA with " == $%08X"
> ? Is this on purpose to avoid some problem in the output text ?

It is not related to JSR or JMP but EA being address register only (An), -(An) or (An)+. I didn't want to add "duplicated" EA part because you can quickly check current register values.  It would only make debugger output even more uglier. Only EAs that calculate the EA are included in debugger output.

I can add new disassembler config parameter that forces debugger EA calculation also for "basic" EAs.

Thank you Toni, that would be appreciated.


patch added by Toni in Winuae, thanks ; Hatari dev has been updated :

00FC007E 4ED0                     jmp (a0) == $00000ECC


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