Re: [hatari-devel] Recent symbolic keyboard mapping change

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Am Sat, 9 Sep 2023 14:53:43 -0400
schrieb Brad Smith <rainwarrior@xxxxxxxxx>:

> > If you are so keen on the symbolic mapping, could you please explain why  
> the "scancode" mapping is not working for you?
> Okay, I will try to explain why Symbolic and Scancode are not equivalent,
> but can I ask that you stop addressing me personally like this? Both here
> and in the github replies. This is not about what "works for me".

Ok, sorry if it sounded bad for you, that certainly wasn't my intention.
It's just that so far you failed to explain why scancode mapping wasn't
good enough for you yet. IMHO in the *current* state, the symbolic mapping
is just old baggage, so I really didn't see your point here. But thanks for
explaining your plans now. If you really implement mappings for all TOS
languages, it could make some sense again, indeed.

Anyway, I'll keep my hands off the keymap code now, and I'll let Eero handle
the merging of future related patches (since he mentioned that he also was
thinking about implementing something like this here: )


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