Re: [hatari-devel] Symbol loading for upcoming MINT+ELF program format

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> Those have strx of 0 == no name. Could be some special types that don't need

> a name, but they are counted as invalid currently.

Symbols refering to section names seems to be such types. You can use following patch to silence that:

@@ -1050,7 +1050,15 @@ static symbol_list_t* symbols_load_elf(FILE *fp, const prg_section_t *sections,

                p += 2;

                name = dummy;

                if (!strx) {

-                       ignore.invalid++;

+                       switch (st_info) {

+                       case ELF_ST_INFO(STB_LOCAL, STT_NOTYPE):

+                       case ELF_ST_INFO(STB_LOCAL, STT_SECTION):

+                               /* silently ignored */

+                               break;

+                       default:

+                               ignore.invalid++;

+                               break;

+                       }



                if (strx >= strsize) {

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