Re: [hatari-devel] Regression joystick subsystem

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Matthias Arndt schrieb:

When I start Hatari in fullscreen mode with joystick support enabled,
e.g. USB gamepad, it seems to work fine and all movements, buttons do
If I now toggle fullscreen to windowed mode, the joystick stops
working. Also reconfiguration to keyboard joystick seems not to work.

This is with the SDL2 backend.

I can confirm the regression as a Hatari binary build in 2021 from my
backup works ok with the same configuration and game image,

Could it be (again) a problem with your *local* build instead of within
Hatari? I just tested the joystick support with a PS4 controller under
Windows running Hatari e8a902a5, using SDL 2. No issues occur when
switching from fullscreen to windowed mode (and back). In other words: I
cannot confirm what you're observing.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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