Re: [hatari-devel] Regression joystick subsystem

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Am Fri, 12 May 2023 22:34:12 +0200
schrieb Matthias Arndt <marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello all,
> main reason for my recompilation was the following failure. I detected
> it in my older Hatari build from last summer and wanted to see if it is
> fixed now. That does not seem to be the case.
> When I start Hatari in fullscreen mode with joystick support enabled,
> e.g. USB gamepad, it seems to work fine and all movements, buttons do
> work.
> If I now toggle fullscreen to windowed mode, the joystick stops
> working. Also reconfiguration to keyboard joystick seems not to work.
> This is with the SDL2 backend.
> I can confirm the regression as a Hatari binary build in 2021 from my
> backup works ok with the same configuration and game image,

Which version was that 2021 image? Is it working still fine if you check
out that old version from the git repository and recompile it? If so, could
you bisect where it is breaking?


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