Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari macOS builds - handover need?

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Am Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:36:47 +0200
schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> I appended a patch that makes it possible to automate the build process quite a bit. It might need some refinement, like only copy frameworks, if they were found and add some additional frameworks as mentioned.

Thanks a lot for the patch ... but I was still hoping that one of the macOS
guys here on the list could come up with a ready patch based on yours that
does all that additional stuff (i.e. take the libraries/frameworks into
account that have been found)... in the current shape, I think it's not
ready for commit yet (e.g. it should still be possible to compile Hatari
without PNG, but currently it's hardcoded there).
> These commands were used from the root directory of the sources to create the distributable executable:
> #cmake .
> #make

Oh, now that's interesting, so you are *not* using the "Xcode" generator
for building macOS release apps? That's surprising, I somehow thought that
"cmake -G Xcode" would be required for building a proper app bundle...?

> #install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libz.1.dylib /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib src/
> #codesign --force -s - src/

.... and this codesign line also looks quite different to the one that the
Xcode generator was trying to execute before I disabled signing there.

Ok, so here's another try, with your patch (partially) applied and with the
standard generator instead of the Xcode one, and with your codesign line
added to the build script:

Chris, Bob, could you please give that build a try, too?


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