Re: [hatari-devel] Small Program

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On Sun, 1 Jan 2023 19:58:26 +0100
Miguel Saro <miguel.saro@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> The most annoying point is the keyboard. I think someone has already
> solved this problem. If so, I would like the information or where I
> can find it. A number of characters are not on the correct key and
> the four-sign keys are totally out of the keys on Apple.

I can't help much on the Apple. Linux on PC versions of Hatari come with
provision for translating PC scancodes to Atari keys. The file
scancodes.txt has the following header:

# see the file doc/keymap-sample.txt in the hatari distribution.
# Except that on USB systems
# one should use evemu-describe ("apt install evemu-tools").

Some of that may be of use to you.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

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