[hatari-devel] cfg |
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minor issue ? (Hatari 4.2.1) I launch Hatari and set the configuration as below I stop Hatari and restart it and I get this. For confirmation I will read the hatari.cfg file. For System settings I find this [System] nCpuLevel = 0 nCpuFreq = 16 bCompatibleCpu = TRUE nModelType = 3 bBlitter = TRUE nDSPType = 2 nVMEType = 1 bPatchTimerD = FALSE bFastBoot = FALSE bFastForward = FALSE bAddressSpace24 = TRUE bCycleExactCpu = TRUE n_FPUType = 0 bSoftFloatFPU = FALSE bMMU = FALSE VideoTiming = 3 I note that whatever the set frequency (nCpuFreq = 16) the starting frequency is always 8 Mhz I don't know if it's intentional or if it's a small mistake. I also don't know if it only happens on Mac or on all machines Miguel M et Y Saro Méaudre: 04 76 94 79 32 Seyssinet: 04 76 21 61 02 // locations. vercors. free. fr // cocoa. pod. free. fr |
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