Re: [hatari-devel] ikbd overrun when using midi (Bad Mood for Falcon)

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Le 12/11/2022 à 20:26, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Fri, 11 Nov 2022 23:28:16 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
There was a bug in Hatari : if one of the 2 ACIAs cleared its IRQ, then
it cleared the IRQ on GPIP4, instead of checking if IRQ was still set on
the other ACIA and keeping IRQ set on GPIP4 :(

This would definitely create some problems when IKBD and MIDI bytes are
sent/received at the same time.

This could be the reason for Bad Mood's loss of IKBD bytes, but also for
MidiMaze not working after a while.

FWIW, this seems to have fixed the problem with the 2-player mode via MIDI
in the game Oxyd 2. Great work, thank you!

good to know, feel free to update the compatibility.html file with this case if it was present.

As this could create problem with programs using ikbd and midi at the same (the most bytes sent/received, the most likey some irq would be lost) it's also possible it fixes some problem in Midi editors such as 'Notator' or 'M', but I don't have any midi knowledge to check this on real midi files.


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