Re: [hatari-devel] Lowering error level on the cirrus-ci for hatari ?

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On 25/10/2022 10.17, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

with latest WinUAE's cpu changes, there're 2 unused variables. This can be fixed easily (I reported to Toni to change it upstream if possible), but it makes the compilation fails on cirrus-ci
Thomas, maybe it would be better to change flags to not fail on warnings but to continue anyway ? (when compiling locally on my PC these 2 warnings are not causing an error)


I've used "--enable-werror" in the CI jobs on purpose - otherwise the warnings would go completely unnoticed since nobody looks at the jobs output logs when they are succeeding.

I think it's ok if the jobs are failing due to this for a while 'til we get it fixed, but if it annoys you too much, feel free to add a -Wno-error=unused-variable to src/cpu/CMakeLists.txt.


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