Re: [hatari-devel] SDL GUI file and directory selection

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Hi Andreas,

I added the changes you suggested.

On 15.10.2022 16.21, Andreas Grabher wrote:
Path is always valid (or '\0' in case of /somefile) after File_MakeValidPathName(). So SDLGui_DirSelect() can be further simplified like this:

bool SDLGui_DirSelect(char *dlgname, char *confname, int maxlen)
	char *selname;

	selname = SDLGui_FileSelect("Choose a folder", confname, NULL, NULL, false);
	if (selname)
		strncpy(confname, selname, FILENAME_MAX);

Either you:
1. trust selname to fit into confname, and use use strcpy(), but on all OSes FILENAME_MAX might not be enough for that
* use strncpy() *and* zero terminate the string, or
* use Str_Copy()

=> I opted for last, for consistency with the other fsel function.

		File_ShrinkName(dlgname, selname, maxlen);
		return true;
	return false;
I also suggest to rename SdlGui_DirSelect() to SDLGui_DirSelect() for matching the naming scheme of the other functions.

Added "Conf" to function name for consistency.

	- Eero

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