[hatari-devel] HATARI: no emulation of a Real SF354 Single Sided drive

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Hi guys.

I've a Greaseweazle and I'm dumping a lot ST's originals.

I've discovered some, like first press in Double Jewel of Metro Cross (UK version) that the SCP converted in STX it reset on HATARI as I read it with an SF 314 drive that is Double Sided as you know.

If I clone the dump on another diskette and I load on my 520ST with the SF354 It works perfectly.

So I suppose that the actual floppy emulation (single sided) is based on the SF314 drive or on the interna 1040 STF.

If this bug can be corrected It will be appreciated.

I can attach the SCP image or send a link on my Dropbox for download it.

Best regards.

Kora Sistemi Informatici Srl 
Via Cavour 1, 46051 S. Giorgio Bigarello
Tel/Fax +39 0376 371059
P. IVA: 02048930206

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