Re: [hatari-devel] NetBSD loader for Hatari

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On 25.8.2022 18.31, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Donnerstag, 25. August 2022 02:08:41 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:
Should they work?

With Hatari v2.4.1 I get double bus error before there's any screen
output, i.e. much earlier than by using loadbsd.ttp:

Yes, that happens here too, but it is a bit random. Sometimes i get double bus
error, sometimes MMU fault.

Sure, but my point was that with the loader, NetBSD *never* outputs anything before breaking, and when using same Hatari options & kernel with "loadbsd.ttp", it *always* outputs stuff on screen before breaking.

I.e. clearly the loader is not working properly, compared to running NetBSD from TOS / loadbsd.ttp.

Maybe it's not setting some HW state similarly to TOS, that NetBSD expects to be done for it?

(Linux kernel had very minor problem with that too, which I'm fixing in kernel sources.)

Generally, neither Aranym nor Hatari is currently
able to really boot netbsd. That patch just makes testing a bit easier.

	- Eero

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