Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing for next release 2.4

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On Samstag, 9. Juli 2022 18:13:53 CEST Thomas Huth wrote:

> I think I agree with Eero - this sounds like it should rather be fixed in

> the RISC-V system / libc headers by adding an underscore in front of the

> macro there.


I think i disagree. Symbols with underscores are supposed for implementation only, so either the compiler or some internal library routines. But in this case, it is a symbol that should be visible to user applications (it is an index into the gregs of a processor context, much like REG_RAX etc. on x86), just happens to clash with hatari's own symbols. Also i doubt that such things will be changed in system header files, since it surely will break other applications (like gdb).



>If someone who's involved with RISC-V could report the bug there, too.


I would not consider this being a bug. You'll never know what symbols are defined by header files on not-so-common systems.


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