Re: [hatari-devel] Git commits (was: HDC code update patch)

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Uwe Seimet schrieb:

Don't get me wrong, but let me just say that the recommended length of git
commit messages is 70-75 characters.
shows that for the Linux kernel the contributors mostly manage to stay
within this range.

Sorry, but I think you're confusing something. The statistic you posted
above refers to the length of the *summary* line [1], i.e., the first
line of the commit message.

As you can see from this randomly picked Linux commit...
.... the actual message is quite detailed -- and rightly so.

Eero was not asking you to put all details into the summary line, of course.

When writing a commit message, I try to provide detailed reasons for the
change, so that another developer many years in the future can hopefully
understand. Even if this means that I sometimes spend more time writing
the commit message than the actual code change. See, e.g., this commit:

Again, don't get me wrong, but if what you pointed out is the Hatari commit
message policy, it is IMHO not very developer-friendly.

Then again, it's not very maintainer-friendly if they have to do a lot
of routine work such as writing commit messages for contributor's diffs.

I assume that your git workflow contains commits; as you would need
those for a Github PR, too. Then, like Eero says, imho it's not much of
a difference whether you do "git diff" or "git format-patch origin".


Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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