Re: [hatari-devel] Debbuger - MMU Status register

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Am Thu, 6 Jan 2022 22:08:29 +0100
schrieb Cyprian Konador <cyprian.konador@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi Team,
> "r" command doesn't (or I can't see it) show the MMUSR register.
> Below you can find my console output.
> Is it ok? Or maybe should I enter another command?

Looks like this hasn't been wired up yet. There's a mmu_dump_tables()
in the WinUAE CPU core code, but the Hatari debugger does not seem to
call that yet... and it's likely only for 68040 and 68060 mode anyway.
I guess we have to write such a function for 68030 on our own in Hatari?


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