Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari on constrained devices

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Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

hatari --benchmark --sound off --disable-video 1 --run-vbls 8000
--fast-boot on --tos etos512de.img

I tried "--disable-video 1", first, yes. But in that case Hatari quits
with: "ERROR: could not initialize the SDL library:". Note that I'm
connected to the Pi via SSH without X11 forwarding. I assume that even
with "--disable-video 1" SDL still wants to connect to an X server. This
is why I used "SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummy SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dummy".

In any case, anyone can repeat the test or their machine if they want it
done differently.

as for the result itself, I can't say if small mem makes any big

I would argue that a difference of 1-2% (in favor of small mem) is
perhaps measurable but not noticeable. But there is no big performance
hit, as one might have feared.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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