[hatari-devel] Re: PortAudio replaced |
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FYI, I've just replaced the PortAudio code in Hatari with SDL2 audio input
That's a good idea.I've given a quick try to the latest version, but it seems that Audio Fun Machine and Winrec don't work anymore (sound record seems broken)
I'll do more tests tonight. Laurent Le 08/01/2022 à 13:10, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Hi all, FYI, I've just replaced the PortAudio code in Hatari with SDL2 audio input - since we do not have to support SDL 1.2 anymore (which did not have audio input), we can use the SDL2 interface now instead to get rid of the PortAudio library dependency. Anyway, if you used Hatari with microphone input in the past, I'd be glad if you could give it a try to see whether it still works as good as before. Thomas
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