Re: [hatari-devel] MMU impact on emulated perf?

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Le 03/10/2021 à 16:26, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Eero Tamminen schrieb:

According to Zamuel's latest post, there's something odd in Hatari CACR

Not that I want to investigate, but if I were to do so, I would ask him
for his program that he constantly keeps referring to; the one that
gives so and so many FPS. Otherwise, it's just guesswork, I'm afraid. My
investigation with CoreMark show that Hatari's Falcon emulation is not
fully accurate, but this doesn't have to have the same cause as for his


same for me, Hatari 68030's cycle accuracy is known to be not that good at the moment, and even more if cache/mmu are used as the internal working of these at the cpu/opcode level is not known yet.

There could be some error in cache CACR, maybe when going from on to off or the oppposite and Hatari forget to set things correctly at the cpu emulation level, but I'm not aware of such case. Best would be a very small program that does this CACR change and exhibit the problem.


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