Re: [hatari-devel] Debugger features ideas/wishes

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Hi Miro,
I agree 100% with your comments: both on how things could be a lot nicer, and 
also how invaluable the debugger already is.  Some other things to throw in:

(1) For casual and semi-casual users like me, a graphical interface (like I'm 
used to with the DevPac debugger / XDEBUG) is much easier to handle.  I know 
that the scripting stuff built-in is very powerful, but I almost never use it 
because it's complicated.

(2) I really like being able to break when things are modified (although I 
often try to use the 'b' command when I should be using the 'a' command, 
another mildly-confusing part of the debugger).

(3) There have been times when I wished that I could break when a memory 
location is read from or written to ('b' only works for the  latter if the 
value changes).  But that's a low-priority request compared to Miro's 

But I'll repeat that the debugger is really invaluable as it is, and many 
thanks to the Hatari folk for providing it!


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