[hatari-devel] "trace os_base" enables console redirection, but "trace none" does not disable it again |
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- To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [hatari-devel] "trace os_base" enables console redirection, but "trace none" does not disable it again
- From: Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2021 22:32:54 +0200
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=gmx.net; s=badeba3b8450; t=1629923575; bh=EMjak6a9aP9CpuyKd/LGO3TANmJSmDu3OPVCUaK6BTk=; h=X-UI-Sender-Class:To:From:Subject:Date; b=AJboy/C/z/mVxAUvbLMRhSLQeauGE34wZIfTqP6U9nVG12XjxVf3hTStOZoeRE/pf Wl0/Au3HXMtKWKGD8On9x4hoIslYgVWv4Sh/0uTdeL1KPK4JkheJqgznNBzXyM/aBO Hd7qC9W6e9XiLJ1d9E4abLMYCMltHOVo+fBqc6Ho=
I've noticed a minor annoyance/bug in Hatari, tested with current commit
The debugger command "trace os_base", in addition to enabling function
tracing, enables console redirection (like "--conout 2" would do).
However, after disabling tracing again ("trace none"), console
redirection stays enabled. Imho, it should be disabled again, if it was
implicitly enabled by "trace os_base".
Christian Zietz - CHZ-Soft - czietz@xxxxxxx
WWW: https://www.chzsoft.de/
PGP/GnuPG-Key-ID: 0x52CB97F66DA025CA / 0x6DA025CA