Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon bus error at 0xFF8060

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Am Fri, 23 Apr 2021 08:35:55 +0200
schrieb Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>:

> Hello,
> while testing undocumented Falcon registers [1], I found an oddity
> when comparing with Hatari. In Hatari's source code it says "no bus
> error here" for addresses 0xFF8060 - 0xFF8063 [2]. This is not true
> on my Falcon, where accessing these addresses does in fact cause a
> bus error. See the attached results from Hatari's buserr*.prg tester.
> (The Falcon was running in "normal" bus mode.)
> Assuming that the original test by which Hatari's behavior was
> determined was correct, hence, Falcons must differ in this regard. Can
> people here confirm that their Falcons do *not* bus error when
> accessing 0xFF8060 - 0xFF8063?

The bus error listing used in Hatari has been created on my Falcon, so
at least my Falcon does not cause a bus error here.

But I also have a Magnum Fast-RAM card installed in my Falcon ... maybe
it's related to that one? Does anybody know how the Magnum card gets
set up during boot?


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