Re: [hatari-devel] Portability patch

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Le 27/02/2021 à 18:34, Andreas Grabher a écrit :
Hello all,

a nice fellow tested Previous with different compilers on different platforms and came up with a patch that should improve compatibility. I did apply all non-CPU related changes. But i did not apply everything that affects the code that Previous shares with WinUAE/Hatari because i don’t want that the code base drifts away too far. That causes lot of pain when applying patches.

I have appended the patch. Maybe you want to have a look and apply it or parts of it to Hatari.

Best wishes,


regarding the patch for the dsp part, it's mainly replacing sprintf with snprintf, but this makes the code a little "logner" to read ; it this really necessary ? These sprintf are used when doing disasm, but in that case it's unlikely the buffer in sprintf gets more bytes than, as the size of the sprintf are known (some register names and so on).

So, maybe it's just enough to have some large enough buffer.
patch  does this :

-static char str_instr[50];
-static char str_instr2[120];
+static char str_instr[96];
+static char str_instr2[192];

does it means that 50/120 are too small in some cases ; are there any real cases and if so, why the new values 96/192 ?

As for src/softfloat/softfloat.c , I leave to Toni to see if he wants to apply changes to main Winuae, if not I'd rather not have a different code in Hatari than the one from WinUAE.

For which platforms/compilers were those changes necessary ? Hatari is compiled with clang and gcc and there were no specific warnings recently.



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