Re: [hatari-devel] Possible bug in 060 exception stack frames

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Le 19/01/2021 à 05:29, Thorsten Otto a écrit :
On Montag, 18. Januar 2021 21:10:05 CET Toni Wilen wrote:

 > Enabled inexact...passed

I still get errors (see attached file). Also i still get an Address error when i allow it run the fmovem.l #xx,fpcr/fpsr test. Are there any differences in exception handling for Hatari/WINUAE? I noticed some ifdefs there, but i can't tell whether thats the reason.

Regarding address error, they should be similar under Hatari and WinUAE (the differences are often for bus error as they don't really exist on Amiga (except maybe some rare boards))


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