Re: [hatari-devel] Possible bug in 060 exception stack frames

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On Dienstag, 19. Januar 2021 11:20:10 CET Toni Wilen wrote:

> 68040 does some preprocessing

> internally before creating the stack frame and then it expects FPSP to

> do some more processing before returning with FRESTORE.


Hm, not sure about this. There are a few places where the byte at offset 2 of the fsave frame if examined/modified, and that seems to be the same for both processors. Also, if i looked right, both linux and netbsd also only implement the FSP060 package in the kernel, that would mean those kernels would not work on 040.


But ill look again, maybe i missed something. If that is the case, then i need to integrate also the FPSP040 package in the program somehow.


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