Re: [hatari-devel] Possible bug in 060 exception stack frames

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Ok, i've added now debug output in the test program that uses NF_STDERR so it writes also on the console. Together with the debug output from Hatari, that gives:



68060 unimplemented opcode 4C21, PC=0101c9f0, SP=01021d56 (user)

unimpl: PC=0101c9f0 A7=01021d56 OP=4c213402

68060 unimplemented opcode 4C22, PC=0101ca42, SP=01021d56 (user)

unimpl: PC=0101ca42 A7=01021d56 OP=4c223402

68060 unimplemented opcode 4C23, PC=0101ca94, SP=01021d56 (user)

unimpl: PC=0101ca94 A7=01021d56 OP=4c233402

68060 unimplemented opcode 4C24, PC=0101cae6, SP=01021d56 (user)

unimpl: PC=0101cae6 A7=01021d56 OP=4c243402

68060 unimplemented opcode 4C25, PC=0101cb38, SP=01021d56 (user)

unimpl: PC=0101cb38 A7=01021d56 OP=4c253402

68060 unimplemented opcode 4C26, PC=0101cb8c, SP=01021d56 (user)

unimpl: PC=0101cb8c A7=01021d56 OP=4c263402

68060 unimplemented opcode 4C27, PC=0101cbe2, SP=01021d96 (user)

unimpl: PC=00100000 A7=01021d96 OP=00000000


-> somehow, the stacked pc in the exception frame seems to be corrupted (0x00100000)


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