Re: [hatari-devel] Apple silicon |
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Le 12/01/2021 à 17:38, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Thanks to Bob for testing my latest builds, it now seems I've managed to
get it all working.
All automatic builds are now universal, i.e., includes binaries for both
x86_64 as well as arm64. And as recently also finished, all binaries
including the distribution .dmg are properly signed with my Dev-ID and
will thus pass all Gatekeeper checks done by new macOS versions.
When discussing future user interfaces I would vote for trying to keep
the native macOS UI up-to-date - with the above changes Hatari is now
very much a first class Mac citizen.
great news, thanks for taking care of this.
speaking of the macOS UI, are there any missing features yet that would
need to be added ?