Re: [hatari-devel] Shalll we remove deprecated features like SDL 1.2 now?

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For me, I'm only  using the new core and SDL 2. I'm Ok for removing  the deprecated stuff. 

Le 1 janv. 2021 22:31, David Savinkoff <dsavnkff@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

----- On Jan 1, 2021, at 1:07 AM, Thomas Huth th.huth@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi,
> A happy new year 2021 to everybody! Let's hope that it gets better
> Now that the 2.3 release has been done, I'd like to start a discussion
> about removing some features that have been marked as deprecated. I
> think the most "important" one is currently SDL 1.2,
> Another item that I'd like to see removed is the old UAE core.

Hi ,

I find SDL2 is more stable than SDL1.2 (even on CentOS5, 1GHz pentium3)
I have not fired up CentOS5 in over a year (maybe it will flame out).
So I'll have to compile Hatari with some new sse compiler options that I
discovered (I'm optimistic).

SDL2 -- yes

As long as the RaspBerry Pi users don't need the Old Core...
To an exclusive New core  -- yes

David Savinkoff

I hope there is only limited enthusiasm to fill in the void created
by the removal of SDL1.2 and the Old Core.

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