Re: [hatari-devel] Little graphic zoom bug in hatari after memory restore

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Hi Jens,

No, it doesn't work. When I restore, the screen it completly glitchy with your patch.

The best patch I have for now is given just above, but it doesn't restore the full size of the window, nor the fullscreen mode if I saved the memory in fullscreen (but it allows to resize, which is much better than before).

 * Save/Restore snapshot of local variables ('MemorySnapShot_Store' handles type)
void VIDEL_MemorySnapShot_Capture(bool bSave)
    /* Save/Restore details */
    MemorySnapShot_Store(&videl, sizeof(videl));

+    if (!bSave)
+       Videl_ScreenModeChanged(true);



Le 30/12/2020 à 09:56, Jens Guenther a écrit :

Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx> wrote:

That's a bit better like this. Is there a way to have the window open at
the same size as it was when I took the snapshot ?
Does the attached patch help?


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