Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari window embedding issue

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On 12/17/20 11:37 PM, Jens Guenther wrote:
Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've pushed a fix for that, and for the Hatari
window resizing in Python UI.

Sorry to say, but the fix doesn't always work correctly here: sometimes the
window remains black. Toggling full screen mode a few times seems to "help"
and the SDL2 window is shown in "hatariui".

Just to make sure... Is the fixed version of
Hatari first thing in your PATH?

IMHO "XLib functions" should be
avoided when dealing with SDL2 ... ;-)

It's the only way to do it so that keyboard input still works with SDL2. If one uses SDL's own
support for embedding, for some reason SDL
disables all of its input handling.

Thanks for your trust, but "fixing" deprecation warnings often means break-
ing existing installations and forcing the user to upgrade ... ;-)

I already bumped Python UI Gtk req to v3.22+
(which is available even in Ubuntu 16.04 and
Ubuntu oldstable).

I think most, if not all deprecation warnings
can be fixed with APIs in that Gtk version.

	- Eero

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