Re: [hatari-devel] doing hatari 2.3 release this week

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On 11/27/20 11:29 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 27/11/2020 à 21:43, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
On 11/24/20 11:07 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
as the subject says it all, I'm planning to do the release this week, starting maybe tomorrow.

If you have anything else to commit before, please tell it now.

If not, avoid pushing anything to the github until the release is done.

I noticed that you haven't pushed any changes yet.
Would you like me to update any of the doc files
to new release?

yes, it's still possible to do it, but I will certainly do the release tomorrow (or at least start it)

I updated all the other docs to v2.3 except for:
  - readme.txt
  - release-notes.txt

And did few other minor updates to docs.

I also reviewed Hatari website content, but Thomas
seems to have kept it up to date, so I didn't see
anything needing fixing.

I didn't check whether all links on the links page
are still fine:

But maybe somebody could go through them too?

	- Eero

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