Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing release 2.3 - status

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I did more testing today on my keymap patch and found some issues on edge cases, which I've fixed this afternoon. I need a few more hours for testing. Anyway that's not going in the upcoming release so we're not in a rush.

But about the documentation: should there be some info somewhere in coding.txt or some kind of roadmap about whether we should strive to support SDL1 or it'll be dropped soon (I'm actually after that piece of info)

Kind regards

Vincent B.

Le 07/11/2020 à 18:31, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 10/20/20 3:10 PM, Eero Tamminen wrote:
* Distros package changes check - DONE
   + "python" -> "python3" hashbang change >    + "*.desktop" files "Comment" description
Both DONE.

   + __DATE__ & __TIME__ usage
     -> discussion pending

Added reproducible builds to todo.txt.

   + HATARI_TEST var for config file loading
     -> discussion pending ("Gentoo ..." subject)

Slightly pending still (question of users'
config, and me using it in TOS tester).

* Falcon mic - after Roger's mail, nobody's
   verified that it actually works currently
   -> Laurent, do you have HW to test this?


There were few additional items from Roger:
* dspmemwrite, dsploadbin & dspsavebin
* incomplete Falcon sound DMA reg emulation

And one from Vincent Barilliot:
* enhanced keymap table format

I've added them to todo.txt.

* Documentation updates

   - misc - DONE
   - compat doc:
     - Falcon games - DONE
     - Falcon demos - will look at Laurent's
       results this week, and do some EmuTOS

Doc updates are done, but issues were found,
of which some are still open:

* Random Hatari crash with EKO system
  -> Thomas & Nicolas are looking for better DMA
     buffer handing fix

* H20 music missing
  (after v1.5 due to commit c96a36308)
  -> Laurent investigating best fix

* GEMPlay 1.99 double bus errors
  -> can somebody reproduce this?  If yes,
     could somebody test it also on real Falcon?

* -2-10x slowdown in Hmm... & '_' demos under
  EmuTOS compared to TOS4, even after STOP / DSP
  -> I'll profile Hatari

(I've added Thomas' suggestion on improving
the last IDE crash fix also to todo.txt.)

>>> * Hatari Python UI
>>>    - add SCSI options to Python UI
>>>    - re-org the hard disk setup dialog a bit
>>>    - verify that all trace options are
>>>      included

After investigating "Hmm..." slowdown, I'll look
into this...

* TOS boot tester:
>   "--fast-boot off" testing

...then I'll go back to investigating TOS boot
tester issue(s).

* Uwe's duplicate drive image issue

  - will look into that last, unless somebody
    else will

    - Eero

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