Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing release 2.3

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On 10/12/20 6:15 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 03/10/2020 à 09:17, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

"Somebody" should also check some of the
problematic Falcon demos/games in the compatibility list and update their state
if something has changed.

I can do that. just tell me when the release is OK fortesting.

thanks a lot to laurent for testing many demos and games in falcon mode.

As we can see, there're still some issues with some of them. This will require further analysis, but as it seems to depend on MMU, it's unlikely this will be fixed before Hatari 2.3 is released (too risky to change this part of the code so close to the release).
Laurent/Eero, could you update the compatibility list in doc/ to keep a trace of those issues ?

I can do the updates, but I want to check also few of the things Laurent listed.

Eero, what else do you wish to include before 2.3 is relased ?

* Finish the breakpoint improvements I discussed
  with Thorsten

  - If Thorsten contributes VDI_Info() improvement
    this week, include also that

* Hatari Python UI

  - add SCSI options to Python UI
  - re-org the hard disk setup dialog a bit
  - verify that all trace options are included

* Do larger Hatari TOS tester run after Falcon
  non-IDE slowdown is fixed

  - If it's not fixed, I need first to make its
    timeout handling take IDE usage into account
    on Falcon

* Compat doc updates

Thomas, anything on your side ?

For me, a release could be made within 1 week if no one has anything else to commit.

I may need more than a week.

The sooner we release, the sooner we might work on bigger changes for the next version :)

Have you asked / gotten feedback from Hatari disto
package maintainers about anything they'd like
to be changed?

	- Eero

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