Re: [hatari-devel] 68020 addressing modes not correctly disassembled

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Le 21/06/2020 à 16:46, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Thorsten Otto schrieb:

Hm, you are right, but only when cpulevel >= 2. IMHO that should always
be disassembled;

This is of course at the discretion of the Hatari developers, but I
disagree. Imho, the Hatari disassembler is mostly a helper while
interactively debugging a program. It is not a general purpose
disassembler to, e.g., reverse-engineer software [1].

Imagine how confusing it would be if you single stepped a through a
program in 68000 mode, saw a perfectly disassembled 68020-and-above
instruction (without realizing that it's 68020-and-above) and then the
emulated CPU correctly took the invalid instruction exception.



exactly, disassembler is meant to disassemble what is currently happening, using current HW config. So it's normal that in 68000 mode you don't see 68020+ opcodes disassembled. As you said, it would be highly confusing to see 68020 opcodes when trying to crack a games's protection, while they would result in various exception when running in 68000 mode.


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