Re: [hatari-devel] EmuTOS version number display

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On 02/05/2020 at 09:36, Thomas Huth wrote:
It would be nice if Hatari could display this version number at the
bottom of the Hatari window, in the same way that it displays the
Atari TOS version number.

Thanks for the hint, I've implemented this now:

Oh, great! Thanks for this, Thomas.

But I see that you used the version numbers, and ignored the "unofficial" flag. Easy fix would be to add a simple "+" after the last number in that case, that would make sense. Another solution would be to use the String version pointed by the header. So in my example, you would get 20200503 instead. But you would also get a much longer string for official snapshots, and that would not fit properly on the Hatari screen.

BTW, regarding to the other thread, as always I happily build Hatari on Cygwin for Cygwin.

Vincent Rivière

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