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-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Re: Hatari and keymap
Date : Tue, 7 Apr 2020 22:44:43 +0200
De : Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Pour : jmvic@xxxxxxxxxxx <jmvic@xxxxxxxxxxx>


je dois avouer que je n'ai pas essayé récemment  de taper un '{' depuis
hatari pour voir si ça marche. Il est en effet possible que ça ne marche
pas :)
Dans ce cas, l'idée d'envoyer une séquences de touches pourrait être une

Mais je ne suis pas le "spécialiste" de la partie clavier dans hatari
qui fait la conversion TOS / OS local, d'autres devs l'ont écrite.
Du coup, pour avoir des retours d'autres personnes qui ont peut être une
autre façon de régler le pb que tu remontes, est-ce que tu pourrais
poster ton message sur la mailing list hatari-devel ?

Il n'y a pas trop de messages à suivre et c'est le meilleur moyen de
centraliser des idées et que tout le monde puisse y réfléchir.


Le 07/04/2020 à 21:54, jmvic@xxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
> Salut,
> Alors oui, ça va grandement simplifier les choses pour moi, le français...
> Merci pour ta réponse.
> Initialement j'avais un problème avec le symbole '{'.
> Configuré en "symbolique", la pression de la touche correspondante sur
> mon clavier Fr me donne le symbole ''' !
> Configuré en "scancode" même résultat !
> J'ai alors voulu faire un fichier de mapping... Mais comment faire alors
> pour associer au symbole '{' le scancode correspondant du ST ? Puisque
> effectivement, pour produire ce symbole depuis le clavier du ST il faut
> à la fois presser la touche Shift(scancode 0x2A), Alt(scancode 0x38) et
> la touche de scancode 0x1A !
> En effet, dans sa conception initiale, le fichier ne permet de faire
> correspondre à un symbole qu'un unique scancode du ST...
> Voilà voilà.
> De plus, de ne pas trouver sur internet de fichier prêt à l'emploie, m'a
> conforté dans l'idée que ce n'était pas possible de faire ce que je
> voulais en l'état actuel des choses. Mais je me trompe peut-être et
> même, au vu de ta réponse, sans doute ;) Le besoin est tellement
> primordial qu'il doit être possible de le faire. Mais comment ?
> Alors sans vouloir abuser de ton temps, pourrais tu me mettre sur la voie ?
> Dans tout les cas, un grand merci pour tout.
> JM Vic

>> bonjour
>> je parle français, ça devrait être plus facile :)
>> merci pour le clavier azerty, mais quel était le problème exactement
>> avec ce que fait déjà hatari ? J'ai l'impression que les touches de mon
>> clavier pc marchent déjà sous hatari, quel cas ce patch résout-il ?
>> en tout cas merci de proposer des évolutions pour hatari et de les
>> partager.
>> Nicolas

>> Le 06/04/2020 à 21:58, jmvic@xxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> Sorry for my bad english.
>>> First, thank you for Hatari!
>>> Now, my objective : get a complete keybinding with an Azerty French
>>> PC keyboard, and an Azerty French(?) Atari STF keyboard.
>>> Actually, no solution seems really available.
>>> So, I made some change in keymap.c...
>>> Keymap file accepts a new line syntax:
>>> If the scancode+modifiers is pressed, then the ST scancode --sequence--
>>> is played.
>>> Hexadecimal representation can be use in all parts with the 0x prefix.
>>> I did a minimum of test.
>>> Again, thank you a lot.
>>> JM Vic

  Hatari - keymap.c

  This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2
  or at your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.

  Here we process a key press and the remapping of the scancodes.
const char Keymap_fileid[] = "Hatari keymap.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;

#include <ctype.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "keymap.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "ikbd.h"
#include "joy.h"
#include "shortcut.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "debugui.h"
#include "log.h"

#define MAX_KEYSYM_VALUE 255
/* LoadedKeySym */
typedef struct s_STScanCodeList
	char stScancode;
	struct s_STScanCodeList *next;
} t_STScanCodeList;

typedef struct s_ModList
	int Mod;
	struct s_STScanCodeList *stScancodeList;
	struct s_ModList *next;
} t_ModList;

static t_ModList *findMod(t_ModList *ModList, int Mod)
	t_ModList *iter = ModList;
	while (iter != NULL)
		/* printf("iter->Mod=%d (expected %d)\n", iter->Mod, Mod); */
		if (iter->Mod == Mod)
			return iter;
		iter = iter->next;
	return NULL;

static t_ModList *addMod(t_ModList **ModList)
	t_ModList **iter = ModList;

		if (*iter == NULL)
			*iter = malloc(sizeof(t_ModList));
			memset(*iter, 0, sizeof(t_ModList));
			return *iter;
		iter = &((*iter)->next);

static t_STScanCodeList *addSTScanCode(t_STScanCodeList **stScancodeList)
	t_STScanCodeList **iter = stScancodeList;

		if (*iter == NULL)
			*iter = malloc(sizeof(t_STScanCodeList));
			memset(*iter, 0, sizeof(t_STScanCodeList));
			return *iter;
		iter = &((*iter)->next);

static void cleanSTScanCodeList(t_STScanCodeList **stScancodeList)
	if (*stScancodeList == NULL)
	t_STScanCodeList *iter = *stScancodeList, *nextIter;
	while (iter != NULL)
		nextIter = iter->next;
		iter = nextIter;
	*stScancodeList = NULL;

static void cleanModList(t_ModList **ModList)
	if (*ModList == NULL)
	t_ModList *iter = *ModList, *nextIter;
	while (iter != NULL)
		nextIter = iter->next;
		iter = nextIter;
	*ModList = NULL;

#if !WITH_SDL2
/* This table is used to translate a symbolic keycode to the (SDL) scancode */
static Uint8 SdlSymToSdlScan[SDLK_LAST];

/* Table for loaded keys: */
  sdl.event.sym -> LoadedKeySym[sdl.event.sym] -> list(<sdl.event.mod, list(stscancode)>)
static t_ModList *LoadedKeySym[SIZEOF_KEYSYM_ARRAY];
static t_ModList *LoadedKeyPos[SIZEOF_KEYPOS_ARRAY];

/* List of ST scan codes to NOT de-bounce when running in maximum speed */
static const char DebounceExtendedKeys[] =
	0x1d,  /* CTRL */
	0x2a,  /* Left SHIFT */
	0x01,  /* ESC */
	0x38,  /* ALT */
	0x36,  /* Right SHIFT */
	0      /* term */

 * Initialization.
void Keymap_Init(void)
#if !WITH_SDL2
	memset(SdlSymToSdlScan, 0, sizeof(SdlSymToSdlScan));      /* Clear array */

 * Map SDL symbolic key to ST scan code
static char Keymap_SymbolicToStScanCode(SDL_keysym* pKeySym)
	char code;

	switch (pKeySym->sym)
		case SDLK_BACKSPACE: code = 0x0E; break;
		case SDLK_TAB: code = 0x0F; break;
		case SDLK_CLEAR: code = 0x47; break;
		case SDLK_RETURN: code = 0x1C; break;
		case SDLK_ESCAPE: code = 0x01; break;
		case SDLK_SPACE: code = 0x39; break;
		case SDLK_EXCLAIM: code = 0x09; break;     /* on azerty? */
		case SDLK_QUOTEDBL: code = 0x04; break;    /* on azerty? */
		case SDLK_HASH: code = 0x29; break;
		case SDLK_DOLLAR: code = 0x1b; break;      /* on azerty */
		case SDLK_AMPERSAND: code = 0x02; break;   /* on azerty? */
		case SDLK_QUOTE: code = 0x28; break;
		case SDLK_LEFTPAREN: code = 0x63; break;
		case SDLK_RIGHTPAREN: code = 0x64; break;
		case SDLK_ASTERISK: code = 0x66; break;
		case SDLK_PLUS: code = 0x1B; break;
		case SDLK_COMMA: code = 0x33; break;
		case SDLK_MINUS: code = 0x35; break;
		case SDLK_PERIOD: code = 0x34; break;
		case SDLK_SLASH: code = 0x35; break;
		case SDLK_0: code = 0x0B; break;
		case SDLK_1: code = 0x02; break;
		case SDLK_2: code = 0x03; break;
		case SDLK_3: code = 0x04; break;
		case SDLK_4: code = 0x05; break;
		case SDLK_5: code = 0x06; break;
		case SDLK_6: code = 0x07; break;
		case SDLK_7: code = 0x08; break;
		case SDLK_8: code = 0x09; break;
		case SDLK_9: code = 0x0A; break;
		case SDLK_COLON: code = 0x34; break;
		case SDLK_SEMICOLON: code = 0x27; break;
		case SDLK_LESS: code = 0x60; break;
		case SDLK_EQUALS: code = 0x0D; break;
		case SDLK_GREATER : code = 0x34; break;
		case SDLK_QUESTION: code = 0x35; break;
		case SDLK_AT: code = 0x28; break;
		case SDLK_LEFTBRACKET: code = 0x63; break;
		case SDLK_BACKSLASH: code = 0x2B; break;     /* Might be 0x60 for UK keyboards */
		case SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET: code = 0x64; break;
		case SDLK_CARET: code = 0x2B; break;
		case SDLK_UNDERSCORE: code = 0x0C; break;
		case SDLK_BACKQUOTE: code = 0x52; break;
		case SDLK_a: code = 0x1E; break;
		case SDLK_b: code = 0x30; break;
		case SDLK_c: code = 0x2E; break;
		case SDLK_d: code = 0x20; break;
		case SDLK_e: code = 0x12; break;
		case SDLK_f: code = 0x21; break;
		case SDLK_g: code = 0x22; break;
		case SDLK_h: code = 0x23; break;
		case SDLK_i: code = 0x17; break;
		case SDLK_j: code = 0x24; break;
		case SDLK_k: code = 0x25; break;
		case SDLK_l: code = 0x26; break;
		case SDLK_m: code = 0x32; break;
		case SDLK_n: code = 0x31; break;
		case SDLK_o: code = 0x18; break;
		case SDLK_p: code = 0x19; break;
		case SDLK_q: code = 0x10; break;
		case SDLK_r: code = 0x13; break;
		case SDLK_s: code = 0x1F; break;
		case SDLK_t: code = 0x14; break;
		case SDLK_u: code = 0x16; break;
		case SDLK_v: code = 0x2F; break;
		case SDLK_w: code = 0x11; break;
		case SDLK_x: code = 0x2D; break;
		case SDLK_y: code = 0x15; break;
		case SDLK_z: code = 0x2C; break;
		case SDLK_DELETE: code = 0x53; break;
			/* End of ASCII mapped keysyms */
		case 180: code = 0x0D; break;
		case 223: code = 0x0C; break;
		case 228: code = 0x28; break;
		case 246: code = 0x27; break;
		case 252: code = 0x1A; break;
#else /* !WITH_SDL2 */
		case SDLK_WORLD_0: code = 0x0d; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_1: code = 0x0c; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_2: code = 0x1a; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_3: code = 0x28; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_4: code = 0x27; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_20: code = 0x0D; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_63: code = 0x0C; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_68: code = 0x28; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_86: code = 0x27; break;
		case SDLK_WORLD_92: code = 0x1A; break;
#endif /* !WITH_SDL2 */
			/* Numeric keypad: */
		case SDLK_KP0: code = 0x70; break;
		case SDLK_KP1: code = 0x6D; break;
		case SDLK_KP2: code = 0x6E; break;
		case SDLK_KP3: code = 0x6F; break;
		case SDLK_KP4: code = 0x6A; break;
		case SDLK_KP5: code = 0x6B; break;
		case SDLK_KP6: code = 0x6C; break;
		case SDLK_KP7: code = 0x67; break;
		case SDLK_KP8: code = 0x68; break;
		case SDLK_KP9: code = 0x69; break;
		case SDLK_KP_PERIOD: code = 0x71; break;
		case SDLK_KP_DIVIDE: code = 0x65; break;
		case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: code = 0x66; break;
		case SDLK_KP_MINUS: code = 0x4A; break;
		case SDLK_KP_PLUS: code = 0x4E; break;
		case SDLK_KP_ENTER: code = 0x72; break;
		case SDLK_KP_EQUALS: code = 0x61; break;
			/* Arrows + Home/End pad */
		case SDLK_UP: code = 0x48; break;
		case SDLK_DOWN: code = 0x50; break;
		case SDLK_RIGHT: code = 0x4D; break;
		case SDLK_LEFT: code = 0x4B; break;
		case SDLK_INSERT: code = 0x52; break;
		case SDLK_HOME: code = 0x47; break;
		case SDLK_END: code = 0x61; break;
		case SDLK_PAGEUP: code = 0x63; break;
		case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: code = 0x64; break;
			/* Function keys */
		case SDLK_F1: code = 0x3B; break;
		case SDLK_F2: code = 0x3C; break;
		case SDLK_F3: code = 0x3D; break;
		case SDLK_F4: code = 0x3E; break;
		case SDLK_F5: code = 0x3F; break;
		case SDLK_F6: code = 0x40; break;
		case SDLK_F7: code = 0x41; break;
		case SDLK_F8: code = 0x42; break;
		case SDLK_F9: code = 0x43; break;
		case SDLK_F10: code = 0x44; break;
		case SDLK_F11: code = 0x62; break;
		case SDLK_F12: code = 0x61; break;
		case SDLK_F13: code = 0x62; break;
			/* Key state modifier keys */
		case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: code = 0x3A; break;
		case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: code = 0x61; break;
		case SDLK_RSHIFT: code = 0x36; break;
		case SDLK_LSHIFT: code = 0x2A; break;
		case SDLK_RCTRL: code = 0x1D; break;
		case SDLK_LCTRL: code = 0x1D; break;
		case SDLK_RALT: code = 0x38; break;
		case SDLK_LALT: code = 0x38; break;
			/* Miscellaneous function keys */
		case SDLK_HELP: code = 0x62; break;
		case SDLK_PRINT: code = 0x62; break;
		case SDLK_UNDO: code = 0x61; break;
		default: code = -1;

	return code;


 * Remap SDL scancode key to ST Scan code - this is the version for SDL2
static char Keymap_PcToStScanCode(SDL_keysym* pKeySym)
	switch (pKeySym->scancode)
		case SDL_SCANCODE_A: return 0x1e;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_B: return 0x30;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_C: return 0x2e;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_D: return 0x20;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_E: return 0x12;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F: return 0x21;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_G: return 0x22;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_H: return 0x23;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_I: return 0x17;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_J: return 0x24;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_K: return 0x25;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_L: return 0x26;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_M: return 0x32;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_N: return 0x31;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_O: return 0x18;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_P: return 0x19;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_Q: return 0x10;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_R: return 0x13;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_S: return 0x1f;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_T: return 0x14;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_U: return 0x16;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_V: return 0x2f;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_W: return 0x11;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_X: return 0x2d;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_Y: return 0x15;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_Z: return 0x2c;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_1: return 0x02;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_2: return 0x03;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_3: return 0x04;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_4: return 0x05;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_5: return 0x06;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_6: return 0x07;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_7: return 0x08;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_8: return 0x09;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_9: return 0x0a;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_0: return 0x0b;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN: return 0x1c;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE: return 0x01;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE: return 0x0e;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_TAB: return 0x0f;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE: return 0x39;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS: return 0x0c;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS: return 0x0d;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET: return 0x1a;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET: return 0x1b;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH: return 0x29;  /* for 0x60 see NONUSBACKSLASH */
		case SDL_SCANCODE_NONUSHASH: return 0x2b;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON: return 0x27;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_APOSTROPHE: return 0x28;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE: return 0x2b;      /* ok? */
		case SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA: return 0x33;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD: return 0x34;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH: return 0x35;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK: return 0x3a;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F1: return 0x3b;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F2: return 0x3c;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F3: return 0x3d;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F4: return 0x3e;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F5: return 0x3f;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F6: return 0x40;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F7: return 0x41;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F8: return 0x42;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F9: return 0x43;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F10: return 0x44;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F11: return 0x62;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F12: return 0x61;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_PRINTSCREEN: return 0x62;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_SCROLLLOCK: return 0x61;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE: return 0x61;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_INSERT: return 0x52;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_HOME: return 0x47;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEUP: return 0x63;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE: return 0x53;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_END: return 0x2b;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN: return 0x64;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT: return 0x4d;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT: return 0x4b;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN: return 0x50;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_UP: return 0x48;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR: return 0x64;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_DIVIDE: return 0x65;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MULTIPLY: return 0x66;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS: return 0x4a;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PLUS: return 0x4e;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_ENTER: return 0x72;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1: return 0x6d;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_2: return 0x6e;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_3: return 0x6f;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4: return 0x6a;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5: return 0x6b;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6: return 0x6c;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7: return 0x67;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8: return 0x68;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9: return 0x69;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0: return 0x70;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PERIOD: return 0x71;
			//case SDL_SCANCODE_APPLICATION: return ;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_EQUALS: return 0x63;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F13: return 0x63;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_F14: return 0x64;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_HELP: return 0x62;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_UNDO: return 0x61;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_COMMA: return 0x71;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_CLEAR: return 0x47;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN2: return 0x1c;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_LEFTPAREN: return 0x63;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_RIGHTPAREN: return 0x64;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_LEFTBRACE: return 0x63;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_RIGHTBRACE: return 0x64;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_TAB: return 0x0f;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_BACKSPACE: return 0x0e;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_COLON: return 0x33;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_HASH: return 0x0c;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_SPACE: return 0x39;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_CLEAR: return 0x47;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL: return 0x1d;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT: return 0x2a;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_LALT: return 0x38;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL: return 0x1d;
		case SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT: return 0x36;
			if (!pKeySym->scancode && pKeySym->sym)
				/* assume SimulateKey
				 * -> KeyUp/Down
				 *    -> Remap (with scancode mode configured)
				 *       -> PcToStScanCode
				return Keymap_SymbolicToStScanCode(pKeySym);
			Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "Unhandled scancode 0x%x!\n", pKeySym->scancode);
			return -1;

#else /* !WITH_SDL2 */

 * Heuristic analysis to find out the obscure scancode offset.
 * Some keys like 'z' can't be used for detection since they are on different
 * locations on "qwertz" and "azerty" keyboards.
 * This clever code has originally been taken from the emulator Aranym. (cheers!)
static int Keymap_FindScanCodeOffset(SDL_keysym* keysym)
	int offset = -1;    /* uninitialized scancode offset */
	int scanPC = keysym->scancode;

	if (scanPC == 0)  return -1; /* Ignore illegal scancode */

	switch (keysym->sym)
		case SDLK_ESCAPE: offset = scanPC - 0x01; break;
		case SDLK_1:  offset = scanPC - 0x02; break;
		case SDLK_2:  offset = scanPC - 0x03; break;
		case SDLK_3:  offset = scanPC - 0x04; break;
		case SDLK_4:  offset = scanPC - 0x05; break;
		case SDLK_5:  offset = scanPC - 0x06; break;
		case SDLK_6:  offset = scanPC - 0x07; break;
		case SDLK_7:  offset = scanPC - 0x08; break;
		case SDLK_8:  offset = scanPC - 0x09; break;
		case SDLK_9:  offset = scanPC - 0x0a; break;
		case SDLK_0:  offset = scanPC - 0x0b; break;
		case SDLK_BACKSPACE: offset = scanPC - 0x0e; break;
		case SDLK_TAB:    offset = scanPC - 0x0f; break;
		case SDLK_RETURN: offset = scanPC - 0x1c; break;
		case SDLK_SPACE:  offset = scanPC - 0x39; break;
			/*case SDLK_q:  offset = scanPC - 0x10; break;*/  /* different on azerty */
			/*case SDLK_w:  offset = scanPC - 0x11; break;*/  /* different on azerty */
		case SDLK_e:  offset = scanPC - 0x12; break;
		case SDLK_r:  offset = scanPC - 0x13; break;
		case SDLK_t:  offset = scanPC - 0x14; break;
			/*case SDLK_y:  offset = scanPC - 0x15; break;*/  /* different on qwertz */
		case SDLK_u:  offset = scanPC - 0x16; break;
		case SDLK_i:  offset = scanPC - 0x17; break;
		case SDLK_o:  offset = scanPC - 0x18; break;
		case SDLK_p:  offset = scanPC - 0x19; break;
			/*case SDLK_a:  offset = scanPC - 0x1e; break;*/  /* different on azerty */
		case SDLK_s:  offset = scanPC - 0x1f; break;
		case SDLK_d:  offset = scanPC - 0x20; break;
		case SDLK_f:  offset = scanPC - 0x21; break;
		case SDLK_g:  offset = scanPC - 0x22; break;
		case SDLK_h:  offset = scanPC - 0x23; break;
		case SDLK_j:  offset = scanPC - 0x24; break;
		case SDLK_k:  offset = scanPC - 0x25; break;
		case SDLK_l:  offset = scanPC - 0x26; break;
			/*case SDLK_z:  offset = scanPC - 0x2c; break;*/  /* different on qwertz and azerty */
		case SDLK_x:  offset = scanPC - 0x2d; break;
		case SDLK_c:  offset = scanPC - 0x2e; break;
		case SDLK_v:  offset = scanPC - 0x2f; break;
		case SDLK_b:  offset = scanPC - 0x30; break;
		case SDLK_n:  offset = scanPC - 0x31; break;
			/*case SDLK_m:  offset = scanPC - 0x32; break;*/  /* different on azerty */
		case SDLK_CAPSLOCK:  offset = scanPC - 0x3a; break;
		case SDLK_LSHIFT: offset = scanPC - 0x2a; break;
		case SDLK_LCTRL: offset = scanPC - 0x1d; break;
		case SDLK_LALT: offset = scanPC - 0x38; break;
		case SDLK_F1:  offset = scanPC - 0x3b; break;
		case SDLK_F2:  offset = scanPC - 0x3c; break;
		case SDLK_F3:  offset = scanPC - 0x3d; break;
		case SDLK_F4:  offset = scanPC - 0x3e; break;
		case SDLK_F5:  offset = scanPC - 0x3f; break;
		case SDLK_F6:  offset = scanPC - 0x40; break;
		case SDLK_F7:  offset = scanPC - 0x41; break;
		case SDLK_F8:  offset = scanPC - 0x42; break;
		case SDLK_F9:  offset = scanPC - 0x43; break;
		case SDLK_F10: offset = scanPC - 0x44; break;
		default:  break;

	if (offset != -1)
		Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "Detected scancode offset = %d (key: '%s' with scancode $%02x)\n",
				   offset, SDL_GetKeyName(keysym->sym), scanPC);

	return offset;

 * Map PC scancode to ST scancode.
 * This code was heavily inspired by the emulator Aranym. (cheers!)
static char Keymap_PcToStScanCode(SDL_keysym* keysym)
	static int offset = -1;    /* uninitialized scancode offset */

	/* We sometimes enter here with an illegal (=0) scancode, so we keep
	 * track of the right scancodes in a table and then use a value from there.
	if (keysym->scancode != 0)
		SdlSymToSdlScan[keysym->sym] = keysym->scancode;
		keysym->scancode = SdlSymToSdlScan[keysym->sym];
		if (keysym->scancode == 0)
			Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "Key scancode is 0!\n");

	switch (keysym->sym)
		/* Numeric Pad */
		/* note that the numbers are handled in Keymap_GetKeyPadScanCode()! */
		case SDLK_KP_DIVIDE:   return 0x65;  /* Numpad / */
		case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: return 0x66;  /* NumPad * */
		case SDLK_KP_MINUS:    return 0x4a;  /* NumPad - */
		case SDLK_KP_PLUS:     return 0x4e;  /* NumPad + */
		case SDLK_KP_PERIOD:   return 0x71;  /* NumPad . */
		case SDLK_KP_ENTER:    return 0x72;  /* NumPad Enter */

			/* Special Keys */
		case SDLK_PRINT:    return 0x62;  /* Help */
		case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: return 0x61; /* Undo */
		case SDLK_PAGEUP:   return 0x63;  /* Keypad ( */
		case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: return 0x64;  /* Keypad ) */
		case SDLK_HOME:     return 0x47;  /* Home */
		case SDLK_END:      return 0x60;  /* End => "<>" on German Atari kbd */
		case SDLK_UP:       return 0x48;  /* Arrow Up */
		case SDLK_LEFT:     return 0x4b;  /* Arrow Left */
		case SDLK_RIGHT:    return 0x4d;  /* Arrow Right */
		case SDLK_DOWN:     return 0x50;  /* Arrow Down */
		case SDLK_INSERT:   return 0x52;  /* Insert */
		case SDLK_DELETE:   return 0x53;  /* Delete */
		case SDLK_LESS:     return 0x60;  /* "<" */

			/* Map Right Alt/Alt Gr/Control to the Atari keys */
		case SDLK_RCTRL:  return 0x1d;  /* Control */
		case SDLK_RALT:   return 0x38;  /* Alternate */

			/* Process remaining keys: assume that it's PC101 keyboard
			 * and that it is compatible with Atari ST keyboard (basically
			 * same scancodes but on different platforms with different
			 * base offset (framebuffer = 0, X11 = 8).
			 * Try to detect the offset using a little bit of black magic.
			 * If offset is known then simply pass the scancode. */
			if (offset == -1)
				offset = Keymap_FindScanCodeOffset(keysym);

			if (offset >= 0)
				/* offset is defined so pass the scancode directly */
				return (keysym->scancode - offset);
				/* Failed to detect offset, so use default value 8 */
				Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "Offset detection failed with "
						   "key '%s', scancode = 0x%02x, symcode =  0x%02x\n",
						   SDL_GetKeyName(keysym->sym), keysym->scancode, keysym->sym);
				return (keysym->scancode - 8);

#endif  /* !WITH_SDL2 */

 * Remap a keypad key to ST scan code. We use a separate function for this
 * so that we can easily toggle between number and cursor mode with the
 * numlock key.
static char Keymap_GetKeyPadScanCode(SDL_keysym* pKeySym)
	if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_NUM)
		switch (pKeySym->sym)
			case SDLK_KP1:  return 0x6d;  /* NumPad 1 */
			case SDLK_KP2:  return 0x6e;  /* NumPad 2 */
			case SDLK_KP3:  return 0x6f;  /* NumPad 3 */
			case SDLK_KP4:  return 0x6a;  /* NumPad 4 */
			case SDLK_KP5:  return 0x6b;  /* NumPad 5 */
			case SDLK_KP6:  return 0x6c;  /* NumPad 6 */
			case SDLK_KP7:  return 0x67;  /* NumPad 7 */
			case SDLK_KP8:  return 0x68;  /* NumPad 8 */
			case SDLK_KP9:  return 0x69;  /* NumPad 9 */
			default:  break;
		switch (pKeySym->sym)
			case SDLK_KP1:  return 0x6d;  /* NumPad 1 */
			case SDLK_KP2:  return 0x50;  /* Cursor down */
			case SDLK_KP3:  return 0x6f;  /* NumPad 3 */
			case SDLK_KP4:  return 0x4b;  /* Cursor left */
			case SDLK_KP5:  return 0x50;  /* Cursor down (again?) */
			case SDLK_KP6:  return 0x4d;  /* Cursor right */
			case SDLK_KP7:  return 0x52;  /* Insert - good for Dungeon Master */
			case SDLK_KP8:  return 0x48;  /* Cursor up */
			case SDLK_KP9:  return 0x47;  /* Home - again for Dungeon Master */
			default:  break;

	return -1;

 * Remap SDL Key to ST Scan code
static char Keymap_RemapKeyToSTScanCode(SDL_keysym* pKeySym)
	static t_STScanCodeList *_stScancodeList = 0;
	/* Check for keypad first so we can handle numlock */
	if (ConfigureParams.Keyboard.nKeymapType != KEYMAP_LOADED)
		if (pKeySym == 0)
			return -1;
		if (pKeySym->sym >= SDLK_KP1 && pKeySym->sym <= SDLK_KP9)
			return Keymap_GetKeyPadScanCode(pKeySym);

	/* Remap from PC scancodes? */
	if (ConfigureParams.Keyboard.nKeymapType == KEYMAP_SCANCODE)
		if (pKeySym == 0)
			return -1;
		return Keymap_PcToStScanCode(pKeySym);

	/* Use loaded keymap? */
	if (ConfigureParams.Keyboard.nKeymapType == KEYMAP_LOADED)
		if (pKeySym != 0)
			t_ModList *modList = NULL;
			_stScancodeList = 0;
			if (pKeySym->sym < SIZEOF_KEYSYM_ARRAY)
				modList = LoadedKeySym[pKeySym->sym];
			if (modList == NULL)
				if (pKeySym->scancode < SIZEOF_KEYPOS_ARRAY)
					modList = LoadedKeyPos[pKeySym->scancode];
			if (modList != NULL)
				Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "1) Find for SDL.Sym=%d modList=%p\n", pKeySym->sym, (void *)modList);
				modList = findMod(modList, pKeySym->mod & ~KMOD_NUM);
				Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "2) Find for SDL.Sym=%d SDL.mod=%d. modList=%p\n", pKeySym->sym, pKeySym->mod & ~KMOD_NUM, (void *)modList);
				if (modList != NULL)
					_stScancodeList = modList->stScancodeList;
					if (_stScancodeList != NULL)
						Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "Find (1st) for SDL.Sym=%d stScancode=%d\n", pKeySym->sym, _stScancodeList->stScancode);
						return _stScancodeList->stScancode;
			/* printf("x2\n"); */
			if (_stScancodeList == 0)
				return -1;
			/* printf("x3\n"); */
			_stScancodeList = _stScancodeList->next;
			/* printf("x4\n"); */
			if (_stScancodeList == 0)
				return -1;
			Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "Find (-) stScancode=%d\n", _stScancodeList->stScancode);
			return _stScancodeList->stScancode;
	/* Use symbolic mapping */
	if (pKeySym == 0)
		return -1;
	return Keymap_SymbolicToStScanCode(pKeySym);

 * Load keyboard remap file
void Keymap_LoadRemapFile(char *pszFileName)
	static int _initialized = 0;
	char szString[1024];
	char szSTScanCode[1024];
	char szPCKeyCode[1024];
	int stScancode;
	FILE *in;
	int sdlPos = 0;
	int sdlSym = 0;
	int sdlMod = 0;
	char *part = 0;
	t_ModList *modList = 0;
	t_STScanCodeList *iter = 0;
	t_STScanCodeList **iter2 = 0;

	/* Initialize table with default values */
	Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "sizeof(LoadedKeySym)=%ld\n", sizeof(LoadedKeySym));
	Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "sizeof(LoadedKeySym[0])=%ld\n", sizeof(LoadedKeySym[0]));
	if (_initialized)
		int i = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF_KEYSYM_ARRAY; i++)
		for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF_KEYPOS_ARRAY; i++)
		memset(LoadedKeySym, 0, sizeof(LoadedKeySym));
		memset(LoadedKeyPos, 0, sizeof(LoadedKeyPos));
		_initialized = -1;

	if (!*pszFileName)

	/* Attempt to load file */
	if (!File_Exists(pszFileName))
		Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "Keymap_LoadRemapFile: '%s' not a file\n", pszFileName);
	in = fopen(pszFileName, "r");
	if (!in)
		Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "Keymap_LoadRemapFile: failed to "
				   " open keymap file '%s'\n", pszFileName);

	while (!feof(in))
		/* Read line from file */
		if (fgets(szString, sizeof(szString), in) == NULL)
		/* Remove white-space from start of line */
		if (strlen(szString)>0)
			int first_char_pos = 0;
			/* Is a comment? */
			if ( (szString[0]==';') || (szString[0]=='#') ) continue;
			/* Read values */
			if (szString[0]=='@')
			part = strtok(&szString[first_char_pos], ",");
			if (part == 0)
				Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "(1) This line is ignored: %s.\n", szString);
			strncpy(szPCKeyCode, part, sizeof(szPCKeyCode) - 1);
			part = strtok(0, " ");
			if (part == 0)
				Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "(2) This line is ignored: %s.\n", szString);
			strncpy(szSTScanCode, part, sizeof(szSTScanCode) - 1);
			Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "szPCKeyCode=%s szSTScanCode=%s\n", szPCKeyCode, szSTScanCode);

			sdlMod = 0;
			if (first_char_pos == 1)
				/* Part 1 (before ','): <SDL.evt.scancode>-<SDL.evt.mod> */
				if (
					(sscanf(szPCKeyCode, "%i-%i", &sdlPos, &sdlMod) != 2) && 
					(sscanf(szPCKeyCode, "%i", &sdlPos) != 1)                ) 
					Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "Bad syntaxe! This PCKeyCode can't be retrieved: '%s'", szPCKeyCode);
				if (sdlPos >= SIZEOF_KEYPOS_ARRAY)
					Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "KeyPos (%d>%d) overflow!", sdlPos, SIZEOF_KEYPOS_ARRAY);
				modList = findMod(LoadedKeyPos[sdlPos], sdlMod);
				/* Part 1 (before ','): <SDL.evt.sym>-<SDL.evt.mod> */
				sdlSym = Keymap_GetKeyFromName(szPCKeyCode);
				if ((sdlSym == 0) &&
					(sscanf(szPCKeyCode, "%i-%i", &sdlSym, &sdlMod) != 2) && 
					(sscanf(szPCKeyCode, "%i", &sdlSym) != 1)                ) 
					Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "Bad syntaxe! This PCKeyCode can't be retrieved: '%s'", szPCKeyCode);
				if (sdlSym >= SIZEOF_KEYSYM_ARRAY)
					Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "KeySym (%d>%d) overflow!", sdlPos, SIZEOF_KEYSYM_ARRAY);
				modList = findMod(LoadedKeySym[sdlSym], sdlMod);
			/* printf("Register SDL.Sym=%d SDL.Mod=%d...\n", sdlSym, sdlMod); */
			if (modList != NULL)
				Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "Pair (sdlSym-sdlMod=%d-%d) is already registered.\n", sdlSym, sdlMod);
			/* printf("Add... 0x%08X\n", (void *)LoadedKeySym[sdlSym]); */
			if (first_char_pos == 1)
				modList = addMod(&LoadedKeyPos[sdlPos]);
				modList = addMod(&LoadedKeySym[sdlSym]);
			modList->Mod = sdlMod;
			/* Part 2 (after ','): <STScanCode 1>[-<STScanCode 2>[...]] */
			part = strtok(szSTScanCode, "-");
			iter = 0;
			iter2 = &modList->stScancodeList;
			while (part != NULL)
				if (sscanf(part, "%i", &stScancode) != 1)
				if (stScancode >= 0 && stScancode <= KBD_MAX_SCANCODE)
					if (first_char_pos == 1)
								  "keymap from file: '%s' pos=%i Mod=%i --> '%s' scan=%i\n",
								  szPCKeyCode, sdlPos, sdlMod, szSTScanCode, stScancode);
								  "keymap from file: '%s' sym=%i Mod=%i --> '%s' scan=%i\n",
								  szPCKeyCode, sdlSym, sdlMod, szSTScanCode, stScancode);
					iter = addSTScanCode(iter2);
					iter->stScancode = stScancode;
					part = strtok(0, "-");
					iter2 = &(iter->next);
					Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "Could not parse keymap file:"
							   " '%s' (%d >= 8), '%s' (0 > %d <= %d)\n",
							   szString, sdlSym, part, stScancode, KBD_MAX_SCANCODE);


 * Scan list of keys to NOT de-bounce when running in maximum speed, eg ALT,SHIFT,CTRL etc...
 * @return true if key requires de-bouncing
static bool Keymap_DebounceSTKey(char STScanCode)
	int i=0;

	/* Are we in fast forward, and have disabled key repeat? */
	if ((ConfigureParams.System.bFastForward == true)
		&& (ConfigureParams.Keyboard.bDisableKeyRepeat))
		/* We should de-bounce all non extended keys,
		 * e.g. leave ALT, SHIFT, CTRL etc... held */
		while (DebounceExtendedKeys[i])
			if (STScanCode == DebounceExtendedKeys[i])
				return false;

		/* De-bounce key */
		return true;

	/* Do not de-bounce key */
	return false;

 * Debounce any PC key held down if running with key repeat disabled.
 * This is called each ST frame, so keys get held down for one VBL which
 * is enough for 68000 code to scan.
void Keymap_DebounceAllKeys(void)
	uint8_t nScanCode;

	/* Return if we aren't in fast forward or have not disabled key repeat */
	if ((ConfigureParams.System.bFastForward == false)
		|| (!ConfigureParams.Keyboard.bDisableKeyRepeat))

	/* Now run through each key looking for ones held down */
	for (nScanCode = 1; nScanCode <= KBD_MAX_SCANCODE; nScanCode++)
		/* Is key held? */
		if (Keyboard.KeyStates[nScanCode])
			/* Does this require de-bouncing? */
			if (Keymap_DebounceSTKey(nScanCode))
				IKBD_PressSTKey(nScanCode, false);
				Keyboard.KeyStates[nScanCode] = false;


 * User press key down
void Keymap_KeyDown(SDL_keysym *sdlkey)
	uint8_t STScanCode;
	int symkey = sdlkey->sym;
	int modkey = sdlkey->mod;

	LOG_TRACE(TRACE_KEYMAP, "key down: sym=%i scan=%i mod=0x%x name='%s'\n",
			  symkey, sdlkey->scancode, modkey, Keymap_GetKeyName(symkey));

	if (ShortCut_CheckKeys(modkey, symkey, true))

	/* If using joystick emulation via keyboard, DON'T send keys to keyboard processor!!!
	 * Some games use keyboard as pause! */
	if (Joy_KeyDown(symkey, modkey))

	/* Handle special keys */
	if (symkey == SDLK_RALT || symkey == SDLK_LMETA || symkey == SDLK_RMETA
		|| symkey == SDLK_MODE || symkey == SDLK_NUMLOCK)
		/* Ignore modifier keys that aren't passed to the ST */

	STScanCode = Keymap_RemapKeyToSTScanCode(sdlkey);
	LOG_TRACE(TRACE_KEYMAP, "key map: sym=0x%x to ST-scan=0x%02x\n", symkey, STScanCode);
	while (STScanCode != (uint8_t)-1)
		if (!Keyboard.KeyStates[STScanCode])
			/* Set down */
			Keyboard.KeyStates[STScanCode] = true;
			IKBD_PressSTKey(STScanCode, true);
		STScanCode = Keymap_RemapKeyToSTScanCode(0);

 * User released key
void Keymap_KeyUp(SDL_keysym *sdlkey)
	uint8_t STScanCode;
	int symkey = sdlkey->sym;
	int modkey = sdlkey->mod;

	LOG_TRACE(TRACE_KEYMAP, "key up: sym=%i scan=%i mod=0x%x name='%s'\n",
			  symkey, sdlkey->scancode, modkey, Keymap_GetKeyName(symkey));

	/* Ignore short-cut keys here */
	if (ShortCut_CheckKeys(modkey, symkey, false))

	/* If using keyboard emulation, DON'T send keys to keyboard processor!!!
	 * Some games use keyboard as pause! */
	if (Joy_KeyUp(symkey, modkey))

	/* Handle special keys */
	if (symkey == SDLK_RALT || symkey == SDLK_LMETA || symkey == SDLK_RMETA
		|| symkey == SDLK_MODE || symkey == SDLK_NUMLOCK)
		/* Ignore modifier keys that aren't passed to the ST */

	STScanCode = Keymap_RemapKeyToSTScanCode(sdlkey);
	/* Release key (only if was pressed) */
	while (STScanCode != (uint8_t)-1)
		if (Keyboard.KeyStates[STScanCode])
			IKBD_PressSTKey(STScanCode, false);
			Keyboard.KeyStates[STScanCode] = false;
		STScanCode = Keymap_RemapKeyToSTScanCode(0);

 * Simulate press or release of a key corresponding to given character
void Keymap_SimulateCharacter(char asckey, bool press)
	SDL_keysym sdlkey;

	sdlkey.mod = KMOD_NONE;
	sdlkey.scancode = 0;
	if (isupper((unsigned char)asckey)) {
		if (press) {
			sdlkey.sym = SDLK_LSHIFT;
		sdlkey.sym = tolower((unsigned char)asckey);
		sdlkey.mod = KMOD_LSHIFT;
	} else {
		sdlkey.sym = asckey;
	if (press) {
	} else {
		if (isupper((unsigned char)asckey)) {
			sdlkey.sym = SDLK_LSHIFT;


int Keymap_GetKeyFromName(const char *name)
	return SDL_GetKeyFromName(name);

const char *Keymap_GetKeyName(int keycode)
	if (!keycode)
		return "";

	return SDL_GetKeyName(keycode);

#else   /* !WITH_SDL2 */

static struct {
	int code;
	const char *name;
} const sdl_keytab[] = {
	{ SDLK_BACKSPACE, "Backspace" },
	{ SDLK_TAB, "Tab" },
	{ SDLK_CLEAR, "Clear" },
	{ SDLK_RETURN, "Return" },
	{ SDLK_PAUSE, "Pause" },
	{ SDLK_ESCAPE, "Escape" },
	{ SDLK_SPACE, "Space" },
	{ SDLK_EXCLAIM, "!" },
	{ SDLK_QUOTEDBL, "\"" },
	{ SDLK_HASH, "#" },
	{ SDLK_DOLLAR, "$" },
	{ SDLK_QUOTE, "'" },
	{ SDLK_ASTERISK, "*" },
	{ SDLK_PLUS, "+" },
	{ SDLK_COMMA, "," },
	{ SDLK_MINUS, "-" },
	{ SDLK_PERIOD, "." },
	{ SDLK_SLASH, "/" },
	{ SDLK_0, "0" },
	{ SDLK_1, "1" },
	{ SDLK_2, "2" },
	{ SDLK_3, "3" },
	{ SDLK_4, "4" },
	{ SDLK_5, "5" },
	{ SDLK_6, "6" },
	{ SDLK_7, "7" },
	{ SDLK_8, "8" },
	{ SDLK_9, "9" },
	{ SDLK_COLON, ":" },
	{ SDLK_LESS, "<" },
	{ SDLK_EQUALS, "=" },
	{ SDLK_GREATER, ">" },
	{ SDLK_QUESTION, "?" },
	{ SDLK_AT, "@" },
	{ SDLK_BACKSLASH, "\\" },
	{ SDLK_CARET, "^" },
	{ SDLK_a, "A" },
	{ SDLK_b, "B" },
	{ SDLK_c, "C" },
	{ SDLK_d, "D" },
	{ SDLK_e, "E" },
	{ SDLK_f, "F" },
	{ SDLK_g, "G" },
	{ SDLK_h, "H" },
	{ SDLK_i, "I" },
	{ SDLK_j, "J" },
	{ SDLK_k, "K" },
	{ SDLK_l, "L" },
	{ SDLK_m, "M" },
	{ SDLK_n, "N" },
	{ SDLK_o, "O" },
	{ SDLK_p, "P" },
	{ SDLK_q, "Q" },
	{ SDLK_r, "R" },
	{ SDLK_s, "S" },
	{ SDLK_t, "T" },
	{ SDLK_u, "U" },
	{ SDLK_v, "V" },
	{ SDLK_w, "W" },
	{ SDLK_x, "X" },
	{ SDLK_y, "Y" },
	{ SDLK_z, "Z" },
	{ SDLK_DELETE, "Delete" },
	{ SDLK_KP0, "Keypad 0" },
	{ SDLK_KP1, "Keypad 1" },
	{ SDLK_KP2, "Keypad 2" },
	{ SDLK_KP3, "Keypad 3" },
	{ SDLK_KP4, "Keypad 4" },
	{ SDLK_KP5, "Keypad 5" },
	{ SDLK_KP6, "Keypad 6" },
	{ SDLK_KP7, "Keypad 7" },
	{ SDLK_KP8, "Keypad 8" },
	{ SDLK_KP9, "Keypad 9" },
	{ SDLK_KP_PERIOD, "Keypad ." },
	{ SDLK_KP_DIVIDE, "Keypad /" },
	{ SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY, "Keypad *" },
	{ SDLK_KP_MINUS, "Keypad -" },
	{ SDLK_KP_PLUS, "Keypad +" },
	{ SDLK_KP_ENTER, "Keypad Enter" },
	{ SDLK_KP_EQUALS, "Keypad =" },
	{ SDLK_UP, "Up" },
	{ SDLK_DOWN, "Down" },
	{ SDLK_RIGHT, "Right" },
	{ SDLK_LEFT, "Left" },
	{ SDLK_INSERT, "Insert" },
	{ SDLK_HOME, "Home" },
	{ SDLK_END, "End" },
	{ SDLK_PAGEUP, "PageUp" },
	{ SDLK_PAGEDOWN, "PageDown" },
	{ SDLK_F1, "F1" },
	{ SDLK_F2, "F2" },
	{ SDLK_F3, "F3" },
	{ SDLK_F4, "F4" },
	{ SDLK_F5, "F5" },
	{ SDLK_F6, "F6" },
	{ SDLK_F7, "F7" },
	{ SDLK_F8, "F8" },
	{ SDLK_F9, "F9" },
	{ SDLK_F10, "F10" },
	{ SDLK_F11, "F11" },
	{ SDLK_F12, "F12" },
	{ SDLK_F13, "F13" },
	{ SDLK_F14, "F14" },
	{ SDLK_F15, "F15" },
	{ SDLK_NUMLOCK, "Numlock" },
	{ SDLK_CAPSLOCK, "CapsLock" },
	{ SDLK_SCROLLOCK, "ScrollLock" },
	{ SDLK_RSHIFT, "Right Shift" },
	{ SDLK_LSHIFT, "Left Shift" },
	{ SDLK_RCTRL, "Right Ctrl" },
	{ SDLK_LCTRL, "Left Ctrl" },
	{ SDLK_RALT, "Right Alt" },
	{ SDLK_LALT, "Left Alt" },
	{ SDLK_RMETA, "Right GUI" },
	{ SDLK_LMETA, "Left GUI" },
	{ SDLK_MODE, "ModeSwitch" },
	{ SDLK_HELP, "Help" },
	{ SDLK_PRINT, "PrintScreen" },
	{ SDLK_SYSREQ, "SysReq" },
	{ SDLK_BREAK, "Cancel" },
	{ SDLK_MENU, "Menu" },
	{ SDLK_POWER, "Power" },
	{ SDLK_UNDO, "Undo" },

	{ SDLK_WORLD_1, "¡" },  /* 161 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_2, "¢" },  /* 162 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_3, "£" },  /* 163 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_4, "¤" },  /* 164 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_5, "¥" },  /* 165 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_6, "¦" },  /* 166 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_7, "§" },  /* 167 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_8, "¨" },  /* 168 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_9, "©" },  /* 169 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_10, "ª" }, /* 170 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_11, "«" }, /* 171 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_12, "¬" }, /* 172 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_14, "®" }, /* 174 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_15, "¯" }, /* 175 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_16, "°" }, /* 176 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_17, "±" }, /* 177 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_18, "²" }, /* 178 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_19, "³" }, /* 179 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_20, "´" }, /* 180 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_21, "µ" }, /* 181 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_22, "¶" }, /* 182 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_23, "·" }, /* 183 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_24, "¸" }, /* 184 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_25, "¹" }, /* 185 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_26, "º" }, /* 186 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_27, "»" }, /* 187 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_28, "¼" }, /* 188 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_29, "½" }, /* 189 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_30, "¾" }, /* 190 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_31, "¿" }, /* 191 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_32, "À" }, /* 192 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_33, "Á" }, /* 193 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_34, "Â" }, /* 194 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_35, "Ã" }, /* 195 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_36, "Ä" }, /* 196 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_37, "Å" }, /* 197 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_38, "Æ" }, /* 198 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_39, "Ç" }, /* 199 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_40, "È" }, /* 200 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_41, "É" }, /* 201 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_42, "Ê" }, /* 202 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_43, "Ë" }, /* 203 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_44, "Ì" }, /* 204 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_45, "Í" }, /* 205 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_46, "Î" }, /* 206 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_47, "Ï" }, /* 207 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_48, "Ð" }, /* 208 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_49, "Ñ" }, /* 209 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_50, "Ò" }, /* 210 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_51, "Ó" }, /* 211 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_52, "Ô" }, /* 212 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_53, "Õ" }, /* 213 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_54, "Ö" }, /* 214 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_55, "×" }, /* 215 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_56, "Ø" }, /* 216 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_57, "Ù" }, /* 217 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_58, "Ú" }, /* 218 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_59, "Û" }, /* 219 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_60, "Ü" }, /* 220 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_61, "Ý" }, /* 221 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_62, "Þ" }, /* 222 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_63, "ß" }, /* 223 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_64, "à" }, /* 224 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_65, "á" }, /* 225 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_66, "â" }, /* 226 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_67, "ã" }, /* 227 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_68, "ä" }, /* 228 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_69, "å" }, /* 229 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_70, "æ" }, /* 230 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_71, "ç" }, /* 231 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_72, "è" }, /* 232 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_73, "é" }, /* 233 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_74, "ê" }, /* 234 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_75, "ë" }, /* 235 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_76, "ì" }, /* 236 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_77, "í" }, /* 237 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_78, "î" }, /* 238 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_79, "ï" }, /* 239 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_80, "ð" }, /* 240 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_81, "ñ" }, /* 241 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_82, "ò" }, /* 242 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_83, "ó" }, /* 243 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_84, "ô" }, /* 244 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_85, "õ" }, /* 245 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_86, "ö" }, /* 246 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_87, "÷" }, /* 247 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_88, "ø" }, /* 248 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_89, "ù" }, /* 249 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_90, "ú" }, /* 250 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_91, "û" }, /* 251 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_92, "ü" }, /* 252 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_93, "ý" }, /* 253 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_94, "þ" }, /* 254 */
	{ SDLK_WORLD_95, "ÿ" }, /* 255 */

	{ -1, NULL }

int Keymap_GetKeyFromName(const char *name)
	int i;

	if (!name[0])
		return 0;

	for (i = 0; sdl_keytab[i].name != NULL; i++)
		if (strcasecmp(name, sdl_keytab[i].name) == 0)
			return sdl_keytab[i].code;

	return 0;

const char *Keymap_GetKeyName(int keycode)
	int i;

	if (!keycode)
		return "";
	for (i = 0; sdl_keytab[i].name != NULL; i++)
		if (keycode == sdl_keytab[i].code)
			return sdl_keytab[i].name;

	return "";

#endif /* !WITH_SDL2 */

# This is an example for a keyboard mapping file that can be used in Hatari
# by loading it from the keyboard setup dialog.
# Lines starting with a '#' or with a ';' are comments. All other lines
# should contain exactly one key name and a scancode, separated by a comma.
# Comment characters can be quoted with '\#' and '\;'.
# The key name is the libSDL symbolic name of the key, see the following
# URL for a list: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_Keycode
# You can also use the symbolic keycode value instead of the name,
# which you can get with the "--trace keymap" output from Hatari, for
# example, but note that the values are different between SDL1 and SDL2
# and thus they are not portable.
# The given host key will be mapped to the ST key which is specified by
# second number - the ST scan code of the key.  "--trace keymap" output
# shows the already mapped scan code.
# All numbers can be given as decimals or hexadecimals (with "0x" prefix).
# Syntaxe : <SDL Key>[-<SDL Key Mod>],<ST Scancode>[-<ST Scancode>[...]]
#   <SDL Key>=<SDL Key Name> or <SDL Key SYMbole Code> or <SDL Key POSition/SCANCODE>
#   Note:
#     <ST Scancode> are playing in the given order; it's important!
#     So, must be in first place, LShift(0x2A), LAlt(0x38), ...
# Scan codes for Atari keyboard key positions can be seen here:
#   http://eerott.mbnet.fi/hatari/img/st-keymap.png
# tests/keymap/ directory contains programs to discover/test the PC SDL
# and Atari scan code values.  Hatari's default PC key code -> ST scan
# code mappings are in src/keymap.c source file.
# Example 1: If you want to get the 'y' and 'z' keys right with a german TOS
# ROM, you can use the following two lines to map the PC keys to the right
# ST scan codes:
# Example 2: Layout for Atari STF with AZERTY French Keyboard
# 'q': @4=Position of key "q/Q" on an AZERTY French Keyboard
#      => So, lower case letter "q" is targeted.
#      30=ST Scancode of key "q/Q"
# 'Q': @4=SDL Scancode; Position of key "q/Q" on an AZERTY French Keyboard
#      -1=SDL Modifiers; Here, when LSHIFT is pressed
#      => So, upper case letter "Q" is targeted.
#      0x2A=ST Scancode of key LSHIFT
#        30=ST Scancode of key "q/Q"
# ','
# '?'
# 'a'
# 'A'
# 'z'
# 'Z'
# 'w'
# 'W'
# '1'
# '2'
# '3'
# '#'
# '4'
# '{'
# '5'
# '['
# '-'
# '6'
# '|'
# '7'
# '`'
# '_'
# '8'
# '\'
# '9'
# '^'
# '0'
# '@'
# '°'
# ']'
# '='
# '+'
# '}'
# 'm'
# 'M'
# 'ù'
# '%'
# ";"
# '.'
# '/'
# '>'

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