Re: [hatari-devel] GEMDOS emulation and host-side DTA caching

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On 2/18/20 10:02 PM, Christian Zietz wrote:
- Simply increasing the cache size, like the user did.
   Only makes the issue less likely, but easy to implement.

I'm inclined to this solution, but I'm wondering
about the gemdos.c code comments:
#define  BASE_FILEHANDLE     64    /* Our emulation handles - MUST not
be valid TOS ones, but MUST be <256 */
#define  MAX_FILE_HANDLES    32    /* We can allow 32 files open at once */

Now I'm confused, sorry. The DTA cache size has nothing to do with the
number of file handles that Hatari's GEMDOS emulation allows. DTAs are
used for Fsfirst/Fsnext, while file handles are only used when a file is
actually opened. Changing MAX_FILE_HANDLES won't solve the problem that
I (or rather the user) reported. MAX_DTAS_FILES is the issue here.

So, what did I misunderstand in your post?

Sorry, I had bad reading comprehension
(from too little sleep last night).

Same comments should apply pretty well to DTAs
too though.

I also think Hatari code should check, log and
return error if there aren't enough DTAs, instead
of silently wrapping around...

Do you know what the EmuTOS DTA limits are
and what it does when they're exceeded?

	- Eero

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