[hatari-devel] Mini tutorial: Hatari and VHD hard disk images (and EmuTOS) |
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- To: "emutos-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <emutos-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Hatari Development <hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [hatari-devel] Mini tutorial: Hatari and VHD hard disk images (and EmuTOS)
- From: Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2020 16:11:41 +0100
- Autocrypt: addr=czietz@xxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQGiBDdn2AURBADksdHVyN55nv0lx4qGx+GQMrbo7zs7lSkAfhkgmgqp84xUeUiWI/kj1on/ wxkmJ96Yzt0ktDbZYM0C9Z66M3rLfXE1vXALHhegeMuOy/tVWybcohRrhfB7tmANTESJOZke 0lZZ59DcIfFoqLYErb6qX8nLPYnOv6sFubxnhuF9QQCg/3GaIR1sVK9Xq+b4B9BtVxd7cHMD /i2hAEOX3WY3K7PNZJziYF54uBbGiVS88W41l1RARcaeogIZcAKpFH3on+Tf60fAC85MCp17 QIeP44hj4Cf46B+UTVhf3EFG4IOsLRxUonpt7dKO8txsKFN/OFsjlPOuDyg7XMpEWkTWZetm HC9/0pcApIXSDnggde4T8AX6nn/+A/4hBOhPxuvkV7Uw/ebLYwXrLo2vt9OvvC1VfeywNseq PIkFX/+n/+niBS+Cb2ess2SVQNKJ9vP5+vBxg5AMfQXqk1ONldGQ/ARHmL6+Iuo47mO51e7R i691hq13wHUvyKh1AN7fpKI2m3YW55XEQ+3iTMIZcqfjr6xYgG8GJTppdbQgQ2hyaXN0aWFu IFppZXR6IDxjemlldHpAZ214Lm5ldD6IYwQQEQIAIwIZAQIeAQIXgAUCVGD5IgcLCQgHAwIB BhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAAoJEFLLl/ZtoCXKubQAoIHNaurSMQB8MHDoTk3B7WHk2ApoAJ0egA8q aNoVj0kU4+OjeGzFiSHMOrkCDQQ3Z9gFEAgA9kJXtwh/CBdyorrWqULzBej5UxE5T7bxbrlL OCDaAadWoxTpj0BV89AHxstDqZSt90xkhkn4DIO9ZekX1KHTUPj1WV/cdlJPPT2N286Z4VeS Wc39uK50T8X8dryDxUcwYc58yWb/Ffm7/ZFexwGq01uejaClcjrUGvC/RgBYK+X0iP1YTknb zSC0neSRBzZrM2w4DUUdD3yIsxx8Wy2O9vPJI8BD8KVbGI2Ou1WMuF040zT9fBdXQ6MdGGze MyEstSr/POGxKUAYEY18hKcKctaGxAMZyAcpesqVDNmWn6vQClCbAkbTCD1mpF1Bn5x8vYlL IhkmuquiXsNV6TILOwACAgf+JhucyZDzOWGht9e0U71kC2bxIOr4iz+ADd3sxS62okrocHXp B9zYDhmJ74BFfC7xMd9bwWNj7YR0yiUdOzY27OcXcEkVmhVBW6AqxuRAKfmYMvvnyR5z5OP6 vg2YSzgOmooc5vequa5YIjLmFkuRlglLiEgdW9gPBFtirNqxOtAqSxEcRrblSn8JBEU51Ii6 SVVuo1nXOP11g8rVO4YvEED89pHT4jgLZu4th1N+mDumNZlqyUIxZ4tQyw3X2OWvEbKWGn2j h0ZywaomUTpVA+wiwxndawP40oowFYT8LNeLtfZyq6xPpQmT2DaNhP4gdy3qkDfnmXkc2zFM YukXo4g/AwUYN2fYBVLLl/ZtoCXKEQKA3QCfTJstYzXurbt9ZnoTU3SFQQmG0/wAoNX91nWM nsS7JOepPAzOUoke4AIi
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with Hatari, I semi-regularly need to run some programs from a HD image
instead of from a GEMDOS drive, to rule out any incompatibility of the
program with Hatari's GEMDOS emulation.
However, I always found it cumbersome to copy files to and from the HD
image. Of course, one can use mtools or Hatari with both the HD image
and a GEMDOS emulated drive, but I was looking for an easier (imho) way.
As I've just found out, Hatari can mount fixed-size(!) VHD (virtual HD)
images. This is not because of any particular support for that format
within Hatari, but because fixed-size VHD images are in fact just raw
images with some special magic values in the last 512 bytes. Any current
Windows version (iirc starting with Windows 7) can create these images
and mount them like an actual HD. (Sorry, Linux and Mac users! But you
can probably use a loopback device for that.)
Combine this with EmuTOS's capability of reading DOS partition tables
and FAT16 file systems and you can easily exchange data using that
image. (Atari TOS has much more restrictions regarding FAT16 settings.)
In case you want to use this as well, here is a mini tutorial.
Follow this guide to create a VHD file:
.... with the following exceptions:
- Create a VHD file, not a VHDX file.
- Select "Fixed size", not "Dynamically expanding".
- Be sure to initialize the disk with an MBR.
- Format any partitions that you create with FAT filesystem (not NTFS,
FAT32 or exFAT).
The guide also shows how to attach and detach a VHD image in Windows.
You can use it without any special options in Hatari (e.g. as ACSI
image) together with EmuTOS as long as it is currently
detached/unmounted from Windows.