Re: [hatari-devel] Manual update

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Eero Tamminen schrieb:

> (Except that I just noticed that I missed
> blitter for MegaST.)

Also, in the table, the "X" for RTC was incorrectly placed in the STE
column, instead of the MegaST one.

> Btw. System dialog section mentions that
> the emulated ST add-on blitter is Ricoh,
> but Mega-ST one is IMP one.

If it was worded like this in the manual, it would certainly be wrong.

The difference between Ricoh and IMP does *not* refer to the Blitter but
to the (rest of the) chipset. There are observable differences in the
Glue (regarding which addresses cause a bus error) and in the MMU
(regarding handling of certain memory bank combinations).

Blitters, in particular, were never even made by Ricoh. Known Blitter
manufacturers are ST (SGS Thomson), GE/RCA, National Semiconductors and
IMP. Atari also contacted further manufacturers about the Blitter, but
they never appeared in the wild -- if they were ever produced. Until
now, between the manufacturers no difference relevant to emulation is
known. (Afair, Hatari doesn't emulate some weird Blitter corner cases
correctly, anyway.)

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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