Re: [hatari-devel] EKO system regression

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On Montag, 7. Oktober 2019 07:48:09 CEST Thomas Huth wrote:
> There are also various RAM TOS versions that we have
> to consider, too,

Yes, but is there a specific reason to support GEMDOS emulation for these 
versions? I guess most demos that require specific TOS versions won't work 
with them, anyway.

>and we would need to come up with a new interface for EmuTOS

Yes, but that should be rather easy.

>All in all, I think it's easier to use the cartridge for this again.

IIRC that are mostly two parts, one that is called early to do some 
initialization (the reason why it is implemented as a cartridge module), the 
other part handling the Pexec modes.  At least the pexec stuff could as well 
be moved somewhere else.

BTW interesting fact: while creating the list, i was astonished that the 
offset for different languages (which is caused by special handling of alt-
keycodes in the bios for different keyboards) has remained the same for *all* 
TOS versions, from 1.00 until < 4.00, where it had to be changed to support 
multi-language. Apparently that code has never changed.

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