[hatari-devel] Boot from hard disk *unchecked*

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I noticed that Hatari's "Boot from hard disk" option does not work with EmuTOS when unchecked. In other words, when both floppy and hard disk are present, and "Boot from hard disk" is unchecked, then it still boots from C:. On the other hand, it works as expected with TOS.

I looked in Hatari sources, and found that in stMemory.c, function STMemory_SetDefaultConfig():

/* Set TOS floppies */
STMemory_WriteWord(0x446, nBootDrive);          /* Boot up on A(0) or C(2) */

As I understand, that code is called before running the ROM. But on cold boot, the RAM contents will not be trusted by the OS. So I can't understand how this can have any effect on TOS.

Any hint will be welcome to make that feature compatible with EmuTOS.

Vincent Rivière

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