Re: [hatari-devel] Bug with "24 bits addressing" and reset

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On 5/31/19 6:11 PM, Thomas Huth wrote:
On 05/05/2019 18.34, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 05/05/2019 à 17:03, Vincent Rivière a écrit :
Vincent, does that fix the problem for you?

IMHO easiest way to test this is checking automatic
32-bit addressing enabling for TT.

$ hatari --machine tt --addr24 off --ttram 32 --trace os_base --tos etos512k.img
                   EmuTOS Version:     0.9.10
                    CPU type:           M68030
                    Machine:            Atari TT
                    ST-RAM:             4 MB
                    Alt-RAM:            32 MB
                    GEMDOS drives:      AB

=> Works when 24-bit addressing is explicitly disabled.

$ hatari --machine tt --ttram 32 --trace os_base --tos etos512k.img
ERROR: Enabling 32-bit addressing for TT-RAM access.
This can cause issues in some programs!
                   EmuTOS Version:     0.9.10
                    CPU type:           M68030
                    Machine:            Atari TT
                    ST-RAM:             4 MB
                    GEMDOS drives:      AB

=> shows the Hatari dialog, but automatic 32-bit address change
   doesn't currently work in Hatari.

Your patch seems to fix this:
$ hatari --machine tt --ttram 32 --trace os_base --tos etos512k.img
ERROR: Enabling 32-bit addressing for TT-RAM access.
This can cause issues in some programs!
                    EmuTOS Version:     0.9.10
                    CPU type:           M68030
                    Machine:            Atari TT
                    ST-RAM:             4 MB
                    Alt-RAM:            32 MB
                    GEMDOS drives:      AB

=> TT-RAM present with automatic 32-bit mode switch.

There may be also some extra places where things aren't in sync,
as WinUAE CPU core and Hatari use a different variable for this.

Check "git grep" output for "address_space_24" and "bAddressSpace24".

There's e.g. this:
        if (currprefs.cpu_compatible) {
if (currprefs.address_space_24 && currprefs.cpu_model >= 68040)
                        currprefs.address_space_24 = false;
/* Hatari : don't force address_space_24=0 for 68030, as the Falcon has a 68030 LC with only 24 bits */
        /* TODO ? Force address_space_24=0 for 68040 ? */

Shouldn't Hatari disable 24-bit addressing also for >= 040?

	- Eero

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