Re: [hatari-devel] TT emulation crashes when there is no ACSI drive

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Am Tue, 28 May 2019 19:05:19 +0200
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Le 27/05/2019 à 21:47, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > This may be due to a recent change, but the only thing I can say is
> > that there was no such issue with a Hatari 2.2.1 version I compiled
> > in February.  
> Hi
> just reading the thread about "Emulation of the TT second MFP", I see
> a message from Eero :
> "
> Linux assumes that if setting SCU interrupt mask doesn't generate
> a fault, it and VME are both present.  To get TT booting (using IDE)
> with Linux, I had to change its access to cause a fault.
> "
> Eero, could this be the reason Uwe is seeing an error now ? (note
> that I didn't try to replicate this myself yet, so this might be
> completely unrelated)

I think it's unrelated. AFAIK Eero never committed that temporary hack
(otherwise the "buserror-tt" tests would fail now).

Uwe, I can not reproduce that crash here. Your crash information
contained "PC=$fa005c" ... that's in the cartridge space...  Are you
using a GEMDOS drive? With AUTO folder? If so, could you temporarily
rename the AUTO folder, to see whether it makes a difference? If not,
disable the GEMDOS drive?
Or are you maybe using an extended VDI resolution? If so, does the
crash go away when you disable it?
If that all does not help, could you please send your hatari.cfg file
and the exact parameters that you use to run Hatari?


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